This book is released under GFDL


This book is written by me, Karthikeyan.A.K. You can write to me at, or text me in WhatsApp, Signal or Telegram @ +91 8428050777.


There is one thing though, you must be familiar with using computers. I would suggest one to be familiar with Ubuntu GNU/Linux, you can get it here Install it on a computer, learn to use it, and get familiar with GNU/Linux. To get familiar with GNU/Linux one may visit and learn from

Why this book?

For unknown reason very smart programmers are using Clojure, I haven’t figured out why. The writing of this book is to figure out why. My last job was in a medical coding company where we maintained 3 Rails app, I got to code in two of them, one had 0.1+ million lines of code, was headed by a guy who knew how to code and was maintained okay, other one had 0.2+ million lines of code, had no test, headed by a guy who did not know how to code but could just do politics, that project was headed by people who did not know how to write maintainable software and senior developers in the project had to bear the brunt of history. It showed me how screwed Rails app can get if left unattended, so I want to search for something that’s more idiot-proof.

When I first met Ruby on Rails, I was very sure PHP will be the king of web page making, and it’s true even today, but Rails changed my life and made me more productive. I will not say that with Rails we cannot handle massive projects, in my present job extremely skilled people and me are doing just that, but then this book is just a search, a very similar search I did in my PHP days when I got a hint of the power of Ruby, and this book is to document my search, to see if Clojure is good enough or not.

Another reason why I am going into Clojure is because of Clojure Script. If I can use the same language on both client and server side and if its not dreaded JavaScript, who wouldn’t want to explore such language? Lisp seems to be a very old language and Clojure seems to be a Lisp dialect for the present day. Somehow the inventors of Lisp seem to have struck the right balance early on, and I need to find out what it is.

I have lots of Data Science ideas, and looks like Clojure is fast and powerful enough to be used in those fields too (at least for personal use). I want to explore that too, though I wonder if JVM ever runs on GPU for fast computation.

One negative I find is JVM. Java is controlled by Oracle, and it’s an evil enterprise like Microsoft and Apple. That’s the only negative I have, but let’s see how things go.

Where to get help

If you are new to programming, or even if you are a seasoned programmer, chances are you could be stuck and may need help from time to time. For Clojure people these channels listed in this chapter may help.

Local communities

Its better to search for local Clojure and GNU/Linux communities and become friends with them. If you can find one, consider joining them. Those are the best ways to get help. One may look here for nearby group.

Clojure website

The Clojure website may be a good starting point to browse for help if you have the time and patience. One may visit it here

Clojure forum

The official Clojure forum is here, one may join it and start asking questions. Some of my initial doubts were cleared by this forum.

Clojure has a second forum here, it’s called Clojureverse this one too seems to be popular.


Reddit also has a Clojure community. If you are a reddit user, one may find the community here

Getting this book

One can get this book here

1. Installing Stuff

1.1. Clojure

Clojure works on all OS platforms, you can install Clojure following the link here Once done it’s time for us to check the Clojure REPL. To know what is REPL, checkout Type clj in your terminal, and you must get something like this:

$ clj
Clojure 1.10.2

That’s the Clojure REPL. Now type (println "Hello World") in it as shown below and press ENTER

$ clj
Clojure 1.10.2
user=> (println "Hello World")

You will see Hello World printed out as shown:

$ clj
Clojure 1.10.2
user=> (println "Hello World")
Hello World

There is also a nil after the Hello World, don’t worry much about that, we will see what is that later. After the nil you see once again user⇒ which means Cloure is waiting for your type another command for it to execute.

If you want to come out of this Clojure REPL, type CTRL+D. You will get back to normal GNU/Linux prompt.

1.2. Leiningen


Leiningen is a tool that automates some stuff like setting up a Clojure project. Please refer to its website and install it. Once done type lein repl in your terminal, and you will see this:

$ lein repl
nREPL server started on port 64285 on host - nrepl://
REPL-y 0.4.4, nREPL 0.8.3
Clojure 1.10.1
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_152-release-1056-b12
    Docs: (doc function-name-here)
          (find-doc "part-of-name-here")
  Source: (source function-name-here)
 Javadoc: (javadoc java-object-or-class-here)
    Exit: Control+D or (exit) or (quit)
 Results: Stored in vars *1, *2, *3, an exception in *e


Press CTRL+D and it should stop. All is well, and you have installed Leiningen.

Open or create a file ~/.lein/profiles.clj and add this:

{:repl {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.47.0"]]}}

in it.

1.3. Configuring IDE

1.3.1. Installing VSCodium


You could use any IDE, but since this is my book, I would take the luxury of suggesting VSCodium. This IDE take the editor made by evil Microsoft and removes the bad part out of it. You could get the IDE here where the installation instructions are given.

1.3.2. Calva


To use Clojure in VSCodium, there is an excellent plugin called Calva. You may learn about it here Go to VSCodium extensions and install it by searching for it:

searching for calva

One may get started with Calva with excellent guides and video’s here

2. Hosted Language

hosted language

Clojure is a hosted language, which means its author does not intend it to be compiled to machine code that directly runs on a processor or an operating system. Clojure was initially intended to run on JRE (Java Runtime Environment), and so it gets converted to byte code. Since Clojure is hosted, people found ways to get Clojure to get compiled to JavaScript, hence was born Clojure Script Clojure can be compiled to Common Language Runtime, the same thing what Dot Net family of languages gets compiled to. Clojure also gets compiled to Dart So by knowing Clojure one could target these platforms.

One should note that Clojure never promised WORA (write once run anywhere) like Java does, instead you need to change your code when you write Clojure code targeting different platforms. What you get is uniform Clojure Syntax everywhere.

Being a web developer I can write backend in any beautiful language I like, but for the front end I am forced to used JavaScript. But in Clojure I can write both front and back end with Clojure without much cognitive load that comes along with language switching.

3. First Steps

3.1. REPL

When I first started to study Clojure, I was introduced to REPL driven development. I did not get it what it was during my early day, even if you don’t get it, worry not, you will eventually get it. In this let’s get a taste of REPL driven development.

3.1.1. REPL in Terminal

In your terminal type clj and you will be presented with something as shown

$ clj
Clojure 1.11.1

The Clojure 1.11.1 tells us that Clojure version 1.11.1 is installed on my machine, and then it shows something like user⇒. That is Clojure is prompting you to enter something. Type in (println "Hello World") as shown and press enter:

$ clj
Clojure 1.11.1
user=> (println "Hello World")
Hello World

You get the output Hello World printed out, and a strange thing nil in the line after that, and once again you have been prompted to enter something at user⇒

You can now press CTRL+D to exit the REPL.

So what really happened when you typed clj. The first thing was Clojure prompted you with user⇒. You typed in something into the prompt, and pressed entered, Clojure REPL Read it and Evaluated it, understood that you want to print Hello World, next Clojure Printed out the Hello World, then it also printed a thing called nil, then it Looped back again and prompted you with user⇒.

3.1.2. REPL in VSCodium

We have seen REPL in action in terminal, let’s now see it in action in VSCodium. Create a folder named code and open that location with VSCodium, now crate a file named hello_world.clj in it with the following content:

;; hello_world.clj

(println "Hello World")

Now in terminal cd into code/ and type lein repl

$ lein repl
nREPL server started on port 52897 on host - nrepl://
REPL-y 0.4.4, nREPL 0.8.3
Clojure 1.10.1
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_152-release-1056-b12
    Docs: (doc function-name-here)
          (find-doc "part-of-name-here")
  Source: (source function-name-here)
 Javadoc: (javadoc java-object-or-class-here)
    Exit: Control+D or (exit) or (quit)
 Results: Stored in vars *1, *2, *3, an exception in *e


The lein is short for Leiningen, you might remember installing it and checking if it launched. repl tells lein to start a REPL. You will see a output as shown above. Note nrepl:// in the above output, it means that there is a REPL server running at IP [1] and at port number [2] 52897. Note down Maybe the port number could vary in your case.

connect to repl 1

In VSCodium type CTRL+P or command+P and type >, now you can type in some commands for VSCodium to execute. In it try typing Calva: Start or connect to a Clojure REPL, before you finish typing it, VSCodium would have selected that option for you, press ENTER or click on it.

connect to repl 2

VSCodium will present another set of menus, in it select Connect to a running REPL, not in your project.

connect to repl 3

Now in the presented option select Generic as shown above. Now it would prompt for the IP and port number where your REPL is running.

connect to repl 4

Paste the copied value and press enter. At the right you will see a Clojure REPl window being opened. Now in the file at left in hello_world.clj, keep your cursor inside (println "Hello World") and press ALT+ENTER or option+return

connect to repl 5

You will see the (println "Hello World") evaluated and printed in right-hand REPL pane. Congratulations, you learned how to connect REPL with VSCodium.

3.2. Printing Things

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

First let’s print Hello World!, copy the stuff below, paste it and execute it:

(println "Hello World!")


Hello World!

So you get Hello World! as well as a nil printed in the next line. Forget about the nil, we will look into it when we see functions, but our mission is accomplished.

Commenting is very essential in coding. Comments are nothing but notes for the developer who is reading the code, while executing the code, the computer will ignore comments. In Clojure everything that follows after semicolon ; is a comment. So in the code below:

(println "Hello World!") ; Says Hello to this world


Hello World!

; Says Hello to this world is a comment which the Clojure interpreter will ignore. In the code above, we are commenting in the same line as there is code, usually it’s a convention to use just one semicolon ; for such things. If you want an entire line dedicated for comment, we use two semicolons ;; as shown below:

;; This program says hello to this world
(println "Hello World!")


Hello World!

Both single and double semicolons makes no difference, but that’s the way conventions have evolved in Clojure for commenting after a piece of code and dedicating a whole line for comment.

We have printed Hello World, but then what if we want to print something else with it. With println its simple, just give other stuff too, and it will print as shown:

(println "Hello World!" "Try staying cool.")


Hello World! Try staying cool.

So you have successfully printed something in Clojure.

3.3. Arithmetic

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

In this section let’s see about Math in Clojure. First let’s add two numbers 40 and 2, it’s been done as shown:

(+ 40 2)



In the above thing we have the plus + sign (it’s actually a function in Clojure), and we pass 40 and 2 to it for it to add and return 42. Similarly let’s see what will happen when we pass 44 and 2 to minus - sign:

(- 44 2)



It seems to subtract the second argument 2 from 44 and returns 42.

Now let’s see what happens when we pass 6 and 7 to asterisk * or a star:

(* 6 7)



We see it returns 42, which is a multiple of 6 and 7.

Now let’s see what happens when we pass 210 and 5 to slash /:

(/ 210 5)



Looks like 210 is divided by 5, and we get 42.

Now let’s see what will happen if we pass more than 2 numbers to plus +:

(+ 1 2 3 4 5)



All are added and the result of addition is got.

Now look at the code below, can you figure out how it works?

(/ (+ 1 2 3 4 5) 5)



Let’s take the code (/ (+ 1 2 3 4 5) 5), concentrate on the innermost braces (+ 1 2 3 4 5), here a bunch of numbers are passed to ` and we should get the sum of 1 to 5, that is 15 returned. So in place of `( 1 2 3 4 5) let’s substitute 15, so we get an expression like this (/ 15 5), which is nothing but 15 and 5 are passed to /, which means 15 divided by 5, and hence we get 3.

Now let’s pass one or more argument to /, passing 1, 2 and 3 to it, we get \$1/6\$ as output as shown below:

(/ 1 2 3) ; this gives out a ratio, a clojure data type



The above output is a fraction, to get a decimal output of a division, append a .0 to the number when passing to /

(/ 1 6.0)


If you don’t understand it now, don’t worry, as you read this book it will get clarified.

It’s enough to know that any one number that’s been passed to / has a decimal value that is point . something appended to it, we will still get decimal rather than a fraction as output as shown below:

(/ 1 2.0 3)



Same is the case below too:

(/ 1 2 3.0)



Now if we need to get quotient of a division, we can pass numbers to a function named quot as shown:

(quot 14 5)



To get reminder of a division operation, pass numbers to rem function as shown:

(rem 14 5)



Let’s now try to find out area of a circle using Clojure. We know the area is \$pi r^2\$, where \$pi\$ is roughly \$22/7\$. So let’s see how to code it. Look at the code below:

;; Let's calculate area of circle of radius 7 units
(* (/ 22 7) (* 7 7))



Here we represent \$pi\$ by (/ 22 7) the \$r^2\$ where \$r\$ 7 is (* 7 7), this is multiplied with (/ 22 7) and we get (* (/ 22 7) (* 7 7)). Now the output we got is 154N.

I suspect N stands for big int (a way to store very large integers in computer memory), executing (type 10N) in REPL gives clojure.lang.BigInt, whereas executing (type 10) gives java.lang.Long

If I add a .0 to any number below, the N disappears:

(* (/ 22 7) (* 7 7.0))



Rather than coding our own \$pi\$ as (/ 22 7), since Clojure is built on Java, we can tap into Java Math library (, and use its methods. This is one advantage of Clojure, since it’s a hosted language, it can take advantage of libraries provided by the host platform. So we replace (/ 22 7) with Math/PI as shown below:

(* Math/PI (* 7 7))



Similarly to compute \$x^y\$, we can use Math/pow so instead of (* 7 7), we can replace it with (Math/pow 7 2) as shown below:

(* Math/PI (Math/pow 7 2))



3.4. Types of Numbers

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

There are different types of numbers in computing just like there are different types of numbers in Mathematics. For example whole numbers are called as Long in Clojure. You can verify it by passing a whole number to a function named type which tells the type of data been passes to it as shown below:

(type 147)



The numbers with decimal value are called as Double in Clojure as you can see below:

(type 147.67)



The value of \$pi\$ too is a double in Clojure:

(type Math/PI)



If two whole numbers or Long divides another Long, what you get is a Ratio in Clojure:

(type (/ 84 32))



As you can see below \$84 / 32\$ in Clojure does not provide a decimal value, but outputs a Ratio:

(/ 84 32)



You can convert one type of number to another, for example 32 is of type Long:

(type 32)



But you can convert it to double by passing it to a double function as shown:

(double 32)



When querying about its type, it does say Double:

(type (double 32))



Say you don’t want a division of two Long’s to give you a Ratio as output, to prevent it, convert any one of the number that’s been passed to / function into a Double as shown below:

(/ 84 (double 32))



The output you get is a Double and not a Ratio:

(type (/ 84 (double 32)))



If you want to just get a non-decimal part of a Double, pass that double to long function as shown:

(long 42.32)



As you see, when a Double is passed to long function, it gets type cast to Long:

(type (long 42.32))



3.5. Strings

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

In this book I think your very first Clojure program would have been this:

(println "Hello World!")

It prints Hello World on the screen. The "Hello World!" which is enclosed by double quotes " is nothing but a string of characters and hence it’s called a string.

Anything that’s enclosed by double quotes in Clojure is a String as you can see below:

(type "Hello")



Strings can be joined with even non String things using str function as shown:

(str "1 + 2 is " (+ 1 2))


"1 + 2 is 3"

In the above code (+ 1 2) returns Long, but it can be joined with a string "1 + 2 is " by passing them both to str function.

You can get the character count in a string using the count function as shown below:

(count "Hello")



In the code below, to str function we are passing 6 arguments. The first five are numbers, and the last one is a string " and so on…​":

(str 1 2 3 4 5 " and so on...")


"12345 and so on..."

You can see how Clojure neatly concatenates them and returns out a string.

Clojure has an inbuilt String library, you can read its documentation here From it let’s use the function reverse to reverse a String:

(clojure.string/reverse "Hello")



Now lets covert all characters to upper case:

(clojure.string/upper-case "Hello")



I hope this section has briefly explained something about strings. You will learn more as you go by. Hang on…​.

3.6. Variables

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

Imagine variables as boxes containing some value, this can then be used in code to make it more human readable. For example look at the code below:

(def my-name "Karthik")



I have assigned String "Karthik" to a variable named my-name, now I can use this my-name any where in the Clojure code. If you look at creation of a variable, you can see these three things, first is of course empty braces:


Then we have the def function:


Following the def we have the variable name, in this case its my-name:

(def my-name)

As a second argument to def, we give the value that needs to be stored in my-name that is "Karthik" in this case:

(def my-name "Karthik")

So that is how we define a variable. Usually the variable defined with def is called a global variable, that it is available anywhere in the program. If it doesn’t make sense now, don’t worry.

Now we can print this variable as shown:

(println my-name)



Over here I am adding "Hello" before the variable my-name and its as equivalent as using string "Karthik":

(println "Hello" my-name)


Hello Karthik

Look at the code below:

(def greeting (str "Hello " my-name "!"))
(println greeting)


Hello Karthik!

I am having a variable called greeting defined above, and it’s been assigned the result of (str "Hello " my-name "!"). That is three strings "Hello ", my-name and "!" are joined together, and the result is stored in greeting. Finally, we print it using (println greeting).

Variables like my-name and greeting can be used anywhere in code, because they are defined using def keyword. If you want a localized variable inside a code block (), you can use let to define it as shown:

(let [local-variable "something"]
  (println local-variable))



In the above code, we define a variable named local-variable to be "something", and we successfully print it, but outside the bounding braces (let …​), this local variable fails to exist as you can see from the code below:

(println local-variable)


; Syntax error compiling at (variables.clj:16:1).
; Unable to resolve symbol: local-variable in this context

Trying to print local-variable results in an error.

3.7. Clojure in file

Till now, you might have run your code on REPL, either in your terminal or in your IDE, possibly VSCodium. Now let’s see how to store your code in a file and run it. First type the following name in a text editor:

;; hello_world.clj

(println "Hello World")

Save the code as hello_world.clj, in your terminal cd to that directory, then type this in terminal:

$ clj hello_world.clj

The entire program will run, and you will see Hello World as output. I got this as output:

$ clj hello_world.clj
WARNING: Implicit use of clojure.main with options is deprecated, use -M
Hello World

4. Data Structures

Almost every programming language offers some way to pack, organize and access data in computer’s RAM [3], this eases the burden of programmers from writing lots of code to manage data stored in computer’s temporary memory.

String according to me is a data structure too. It enables us to represent any written language in computers memory, and helps us perform operations with it. In this section we are going to see about other data structures Clojure provides, which you can use it out of the box.

4.1. Vectors

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

Imagine racks with a lot of compartments in it, the first compartment is labelled 0, the second 1 and so on. You can put something into this rack and get it back if you know the rack number aka the index. This is a kind of real world analog to vectors.

Look at the code below:

[1 2 3 4] ; a very simple vector


[1 2 3 4]

This is how you represent a vector in Clojure. It starts with an opening square braces [ and ends with a closing one ], and anything in between are the elements of the vector. In the above code you got 4 elements namely 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Another way to create a vector is to pass stuff to a function called vector as shown below:

(vector 1 2 3)


[1 2 3]

In the above code we have passed 1, 2 and 3 to the function vector, and we have got out a vector [1 2 3].

Till now, we have seen creating vectors with numbers, in reality you can create vector with any type of value:

[1 true "Bashir"] ; vector containing multiple data types


[1 true "Bashir"]

In the above code we have created a three element vector with 1 which is a Long, true which is boolean (you will learn about them soon), and "Bashir" which is a String.

In the code below, we are defining a variable named friends and we are assigning a vector that contains four names to it:

(def friends
    ["Ram" "Bashir" "Antony" "Buddha"])



Now let’s see what is the first element of the vector friends is, for that we pass friends to a function named first:

(first friends)



And we get the first element in the vector.

There is a function called rest which when given a vector, omits the first element and returns the rest of the elements in the vector as shown below:

(rest friends)


("Bashir" "Antony" "Buddha")

As you see "Ram" is ignored as it’s the first element and the rest is returned.

Let’s check the type of friends

(type friends)



From the output it seems clear that it’s a vector, but then let’s check what type the rest returns:

(type (rest friends))



Though it seems to return ("Bashir" "Antony" "Buddha"), which are not enclosed in square braces, on querying the type, it seems to be a chunk of the passed in vector.

We can access any element by its index in the vector using the nth function whose first argument should be a vector and second should be the index number as shown:

(nth friends 3)



If you see, at index 3 of friends is a String "Buddha".

The third index can also be access like shown:

(friends 3)



Doesn’t it look like when you did (def friends <a vector>), Clojure seems to have constructed a function called friends which can take a number, and the value at the index gets returned?

To add an element at the end of vector, use the function conj which takes in vector as first argument and the value to be added as the second:

(conj friends "Periyaar")


["Ram" "Bashir" "Antony" "Buddha" "Periyaar"]

In the above code we have added "Periyaar" to friends, but this does not mean friends has been modified, we can print friends:

(println friends)


[Ram Bashir Antony Buddha]

and it still shows the old values without "Periyaar", in reality Clojure constructs a new vector when we say (conj friends "Periyaar") and returns it out.

To add an element before a vector, use cons as shown below:

(cons "Periyaar" friends)


("Periyaar" "Ram" "Bashir" "Antony" "Buddha")

Does it modify friends? Now research what is immutability [4] in computing.

4.1.1. Exercise

  • How to get the total number of elements in a vector?

  • What will happen if I give (friends 42)?

4.2. Lists

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

Lists are just like vectors, now all you need to remember is a vector is set of things wrapped between square brackets [ and ], a list is wrapped between round brackets ( and ). In fact entire Clojure program is a list. Remember how we calculate \$3 + 5\$ in Clojure, it’s like this (+ 3 5), it’s wrapped in round braces, and hence it’s a list.

Entire Clojure code is nothing but a list. It has an open braces (, and a function to call. To add we use the ` function, and so we have `(, this is followed by arguments that are passed to the function, so to add 3 with 5, we pass the arguments to function like this (+ 3 5, then this is followed by closing round braces (+ 3 5), thus completing the list, which could be executed by the Clojure interpreter.

Take a look at the example below:

'(1 2 3 4)


(1 2 3 4)

In the example above, we build a list of 4 numbers. But notice that we don’t start with a (, but we start with an apostrophe followed by bracket like this '(. This is to tell Clojure that not to execute the content in the bracket.

When you try it without an apostrophe, Clojure thinks 1 is a function and 2 3 4 are the arguments passed to it, and it tries to execute it and fails as shown below:

(1 2 3 4)


; Execution error (ClassCastException) at lawyer/eval2148 (REPL:79).
; class java.lang.Long cannot be cast to class clojure.lang.IFn (java.lang.Long is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap'; clojure.lang.IFn is in unnamed module of loader 'bootstrap')

So the apostrophe before the round brackets is to tell the Clojure not to execute '(1 2 3 4), but just treat it as a list.

You can also create a list using the list method as shown below:

(list 1 2 3)


(1 2 3)

Above we pass 1, 2, and 3 to the list method, and we get a list returned.

In the code below, I am creating a list of four strings and assigning it to a variable friends-list:

(def friends-list
    '("Ram" "Bashir" "Antony" "Buddha"))



Note how I am using the apostrophe in '("Ram" "Bashir" "Antony" "Buddha"), to tell the Clojure interpreter, not to execute the list.

Now let’s see how many elements are there in friends-list. For that we use count as shown below and pass friends-list to it.

(count friends-list)



So count say there are four elements in friends-list.

Let’s get the first element in friends-list, for that we use function called first as shown below:

(first friends-list)



Now let’s get all elements except the first element in friends-list. For that we use the function rest as shown below:

(rest friends-list)


("Bashir" "Antony" "Buddha")

Now let’s get the fourth element in friends-list. For that we use the function nth, which takes list as the first argument and the index to be fetched as the second argument.

(nth friends-list 3)



Note that list indexing starts from zero. That is the first element is indexed 0, second is 1 and so on.

In the example below, Let’s try to get the fourth element in friends-list by passing number 3 to it:

(friends-list 3)


Execution error (ClassCastException) at user/eval5554 (REPL:1).
clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn

       core.clj:  3214 clojure.core$eval/invokeStatic

       core.clj:  3210 clojure.core$eval/invoke

       main.clj:   437 clojure.main$repl$read_eval_print__9086$fn__9089/invoke

       main.clj:   458 clojure.main$repl$fn__9095/invoke

       main.clj:   368 clojure.main$repl/doInvoke  1523 clojure.lang.RestFn/invoke    22 clojure.lang.AFn/run    22 clojure.lang.AFn/run   745 java.lang.Thread/run

and, it fails.

Now, let’s add an element to the list. For that we use method called conj, to conj, we will pass the list to which the element should be appended, followed by the element which needs to appended to the list as shown below:

(conj friends-list "Periyaar")


("Periyaar" "Ram" "Bashir" "Antony" "Buddha")

4.3. Sets

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

Set is a collection of unique items. Imagine a list or a vector where no two item repeats, that’s a set. In Clojure you can create a set as shown:

#{1 2 3 4}


#{1 4 3 2}

A set starts with a hash and curly braces { followed by set items {1 2 3 4, then it closes with a curly brace #{1 2 3 4}.

Below we query the type of set:

(type #{1 2 3 4})



It returns something clojure.lang.PersistentHashSet that might be confusing to the beginner. Instead, one can use the set? function to check if something is a set or not as shown below:

(set? #{1 2 3 4})



Since #{1 2 3 4} is a set, it returns true.

A set can have only unique elements. So if we try to create a set with non-unique elements, it will throw an error as shown:

#{1 2 3 4 4}


Syntax error reading source at (REPL:1:13).
Duplicate key: 4    68 clojure.lang.PersistentHashSet/createWithCheck

   1366 clojure.lang.LispReader$SetReader/invoke

    853 clojure.lang.LispReader$DispatchReader/invoke

    285 clojure.lang.LispReader/read

                  core.clj:  3768 clojure.core$read/invokeStatic

                  core.clj:  3741 clojure.core$read/invoke

                  main.clj:   433 clojure.main$repl$read_eval_print__9086$fn__9087/invoke

                  main.clj:   432 clojure.main$repl$read_eval_print__9086/invoke

                  main.clj:   458 clojure.main$repl$fn__9095/invoke

                  main.clj:   368 clojure.main$repl/doInvoke

       1523 clojure.lang.RestFn/invoke

            22 clojure.lang.AFn/run

            22 clojure.lang.AFn/run

        745 java.lang.Thread/run

Once again we create a set of unique fruit names:

#{"Apple" "Orange" "Mango" "Banana"}


#{"Mango" "Orange" "Apple" "Banana"}

Now when we try to create a similar set with a duplicate element "Apple" it throws an error as shown below:

#{"Apple" "Orange" "Mango" "Banana" "Apple"}


Syntax error reading source at (REPL:1:45).
Duplicate key: Apple    68 clojure.lang.PersistentHashSet/createWithCheck

   1366 clojure.lang.LispReader$SetReader/invoke

    853 clojure.lang.LispReader$DispatchReader/invoke

    285 clojure.lang.LispReader/read

                  core.clj:  3768 clojure.core$read/invokeStatic

                  core.clj:  3741 clojure.core$read/invoke

                  main.clj:   433 clojure.main$repl$read_eval_print__9086$fn__9087/invoke

                  main.clj:   432 clojure.main$repl$read_eval_print__9086/invoke

                  main.clj:   458 clojure.main$repl$fn__9095/invoke

                  main.clj:   368 clojure.main$repl/doInvoke

       1523 clojure.lang.RestFn/invoke

            22 clojure.lang.AFn/run

            22 clojure.lang.AFn/run

        745 java.lang.Thread/run

Let’s create a set of fruit names and assign it to a variable named fruits ash shown below:

(def fruits #{"Apple" "Orange" "Mango" "Banana"})



Now we can check if fruits contains "Banana" as shown below:

(contains? fruits "Banana")



It returns true since fruits does contain "Banana".

Now let’s check if fruits contains "Jack Fruit":

(contains? fruits "Jack Fruit")



It returns false, as "Jack Fruit" is not part of fruits.

You can also check if a set contains an element as shown below:

(fruits "Banana")



In the code above we pass "Banana" to fruits and it returns "Banana" since "Banana" is in fruits.

When we pass "Jack Fruit" to fruits, it returns a nil or nothing since "Jack Fruit" is not in fruits:

(fruits "Jack Fruit")


Food for thought, if (fruits "Banana") works, then don’t you think Clojure has created a function called fruits without you realizing it?

Now let’s see if fruits contains "Banana" by passing fruits to "Banana" as shown below:

("Banana" fruits)


Execution error (ClassCastException) at user/eval5624 (REPL:1).
java.lang.String cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn

       core.clj:  3214 clojure.core$eval/invokeStatic

       core.clj:  3210 clojure.core$eval/invoke

       main.clj:   437 clojure.main$repl$read_eval_print__9086$fn__9089/invoke

       main.clj:   458 clojure.main$repl$fn__9095/invoke

       main.clj:   368 clojure.main$repl/doInvoke  1523 clojure.lang.RestFn/invoke    22 clojure.lang.AFn/run    22 clojure.lang.AFn/run   745 java.lang.Thread/run

It fails.

There is a thing called keywords in Clojure. Their syntax is colon followed by some stuff :<some-stuff>, say if we want a set of programming languages, we can define it as shown below:

(def programming-languages #{:ruby :python :clojure})



Here every element in programming-languages is a keyword.

Now let’s check if programming-languages contains :ruby

(contains? programming-languages :ruby)



It does.

Now let’s check if it contains :java:

(contains? programming-languages :java)



It does not.

You can also see if an element exists in programming-languages by passing that element to it:

(programming-languages :ruby)



Since :ruby is in programming-languages, it gets returned.

:ruby is a keyword, so it has some special properties compared to string. If you remember checking if "Banana" exists in fruits using the code ("Banana" fruits) fails, but checking if :ruby exists in programming-languages will work as shown below:

(:ruby programming-languages)



We can add an element to a set using the function conj, followed by the set programming-languages in this case and let’s add :perl to it:

(conj programming-languages :perl)


#{:clojure :python :perl :ruby}

We can remove an element from a set using the function disj, followed by the set programming-languages in this case and let’s remove :python:

(disj programming-languages :python)


#{:clojure :ruby}

So that’s it about set’s for now.

4.4. Maps

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

Lists and vectors can be accessed with numeric index, say in the below code:

(def nums ["zero" "one" "two" "three" "four" "five" "six"])

(nth nums 5)



We get "five" as output. But what if we want something user-friendly words as index for our data collection? Enter the world of maps.

Look at the code below, type it and execute it:

{ "name" "Bashir" "age" 12 }


{"name" "Bashir", "age" 12}

In the above code we create a map, its first element has key "name" and value "Bashir", the second element has key "age" and value 12.

Rather than using curly brackets, we can create a map by passing keys and values to a function called hash map as shown below:

(hash-map "name" "Bashir"
          "age" 20)


{"age" 20, "name" "Bashir"}

The function hash-map receives keys as odd arguments and values as even arguments. So in the code above "name" is mapped to "Bashir" and key "age" is mapped to value 20.

Now let’s create a map and assign it to a variable friend:

(def friend { "name" "Bashir" "age" 12 })



Now we get "name" of friend using the get method to which we first pass the map and the second argument is the key to be fetched.

(get friend "name")



So the code above looks for key "name" in friend, its corresponding value is "Bashir" which gets returned out.

There is also a shortcut to get value from a map, just treat map as a function and pass key to it as a shown below:

(friend "name")



So the example above we have map friend, and to it, we are passing the key "name", and it returns the mapped value "Bashir".

Now the type of "name" is string as you can see below:

(type "name")



There is another thing called keyword, that is preceded by a colon : followed by the name of the keyword. So as you see below :name is a keyword:

(type :name)



Now rather using strings as key’s, let’s create a map with keywords as keys as shown:

(def wise-friend {:name "Periyaar"
                  :age 90})



In the code above, we create a map with key :name, which is mapped to "Periyaar"; and key :age is mapped to 20. We assign it to wise-friend.

Now we can get the :name of wise-friend as shown:

(wise-friend :name)



We can get :age of wise-friend as shown below:

(get wise-friend :age)



In the above example e use get function, to it the map is passed as the first argument, and key is passed as the second argument.

In the below example, we extract name of wise-friend using (wise-friend :name) and pass it to print, we also pass a second argument "is very wise." to print:

(print (wise-friend :name)
       "is very wise.")


Periyaar is very wise.nil

We get Periyaar is very wise.nil printed out. Replace print with println in the example above. What do you observe?

Since we use keywords as keys in wise-friend, getting value of a key is possible as shown:

(:name wise-friend)



In the above code we treat :name as a function, and we pass the map wise-friend to it, and it fetches the value.

Now let’s add a new key and value to wise-friend:

(assoc wise-friend :belief "Rationalism")


{:name "Periyaar", :age 90, :belief "Rationalism"}

In the code above we have the assoc function, which we can call associate. To it we pass the map wise-friend, then we pass the key :belief and value "Rationalism" to it. In Clojure, things are immutable. The above operation returned a new map {:name "Periyaar", :age 90, :belief "Rationalism"}, and since we did not define it to any variable it’s just lost. One might not think wise-friend got a new key and value. In fact if you query wise-friend for :belief, it would say nothing is there:

(wise-friend :belief)



All old values of wise-friend are still intact, let’s query its age:

(wise-friend :age)



Now let’s remove a key, value pair from wise friend as shown:

(dissoc wise-friend :age)


{:name "Periyaar"}

In the code above we remove :age from wise-friend and we get an output map containing only the :name. Once again you must not think Clojure changed wise-friend. dissoc (or disassociate) took wise-friend as first argument, and key to be removed as second, and it created a new map without the passed key and returned it. In Clojure things don’t mutate.

If we query the keys of wise-friend we still get :name and :age as shown:

(keys wise-friend)


(:name :age)

To get values stored in amp, pass it to vals function as shown:

(vals wise-friend)


("Periyaar" 90)

wise-friend has key :name which is of type keyword, "name" is of type string. So you can have a array with keyword and string spelled the same. As you see below:

(assoc wise-friend "name" "Ramasamy")


{:name "Periyaar", :age 90, "name" "Ramasamy"}

By adding "name" as key and associating a value "Ramasamy" to it, we are creating a map with keys :name and "name". though such kind of tricks are possible, it’s highly discouraged for the sake of clarity in code.

4.5. Difference Between Vectors and Lists

If you had seen past few sections, you would have noticed vector is created by putting things between square brackets, and we can create a list by putting things between '( and ). Apart from that all operations are the same. So what’s the real difference?

Imagine vector is a rack. Each compartment of the rack is named 0, 1, 2 and so on till n.


You can put anything in the compartment that’s after the last filled one. See the example below:

(def numbers ["zero" "one" "two" "three" "four"])
(conj numbers "five")


["zero" "one" "two" "three" "four" "five"]

In the above code, we add "five" to numbers and Clojure adds it to the last. A vector is a huge rack of contiguous spaces. Clojure can easily access any of the rack very easily because it’s stored in a compact form in the memory. So even if you have a million element vector accessing the 7,546th is fast in Clojure. Like every thing this comes with a catch. Say you have a million element vector, and you want to add another element, if the adjacent space in memory is not available and is occupied by some other thing, Clojure should do the huge work finding continuous free space, then it must move all elements to it and add the new value at the end. This process of moving around data is very costly.

So if speed of random access with index is not important, and you need only sequential access, and if you want to add a lot of values to your collection, and you have large list to be stored, consider list.

list element

An element in a list has two parts. One is the value, and another one is a pointer to the next element. So elements of a list can be anywhere in your computer memory as shown below.


Adding a new element means it will have the value you push to it, and its pointer will point to current first element. So now the new value is the first element of the list. The drawback is, if you want to access the nth element of a list, then Clojure needs to traverse through n - 1 elements to get to it. The positive is adding element is very easy.

5. Reading Clojure Documentation

The fact that you are reading this book is because, this book documents something about Clojure. In programming, documentation is very important, almost all programming languages have a way of documenting and a way of accessing it. Clojure is no different. In this section we will see how to access Clojure’s documentation.

5.1. doc

Clojure has a function named doc, to it, you pass any valid function name. Below we pass + to doc and its documentation gets printed:

(doc +)


([] [x] [x y] [x y & more])
  Returns the sum of nums. (+) returns 0. Does not auto-promote
  longs, will throw on overflow. See also: +'

From the above documentation I know + can receive no argument and might return a zero:




Which seems to be true as shown above. I also infer + receives a single argument and returns the number:

(+ 42)



Which also seems to be true. Then I infer + receives a two or more arguments and returns its sum, which also is verified in the code below:

(+ 40 2)


(+ 10 30 2)



5.2. find-doc

If you want to search the entire Clojure documentation text, you can use the find-doc method as shown below:

(find-doc "sum of nums")


([] [x] [x y] [x y & more])
  Returns the sum of nums. (+) returns 0. Does not auto-promote
  longs, will throw on overflow. See also: +'
([] [x] [x y] [x y & more])
  Returns the sum of nums. (+') returns 0. Supports arbitrary precision.
  See also: +
([] [x] [x y] [x y & more])
  Returns the sum of nums. (+) returns 0. Does not auto-promote
  longs, will throw on overflow. See also: +'
([] [x] [x y] [x y & more])
  Returns the sum of nums. (+') returns 0. Supports arbitrary precision.
  See also: +

Above I have found functions whose documentation contains the string "sum of nums".

5.3. apropos

If you want to search for functions whose name contain certain piece of string, use the apropos function as shown below:

(apropos "replace")


(clojure.core/replace clojure.string/re-quote-replacement clojure.string/replace clojure.string/replace-first clojure.walk/postwalk-replace clojure.walk/prewalk-replace

Above, I have used the apropos function to find all functions whose name contains the string "replace". Now below I check the documentation of the function replace to reveal what it does:

(doc replace)


([smap] [smap coll])
  Given a map of replacement pairs and a vector/collection, returns a
  vector/seq with any elements = a key in smap replaced with the
  corresponding val in smap.  Returns a transducer when no collection
  is provided.

5.4. Clojure docs online

If one is not comfortable to use Clojure REPL to access documentation, one may use Clojure’s online documentation which is available on


If you see the image below, I have searched for reduce, and it shows all functions who names have the word reduce in them.

clojuredocs 2

I clicked on reduce and below you can see that Clojure shows documentation for it:

clojuredocs 3

Clojure docs is a convenient way access documentation on the browser.

6. Logic and comparison

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

Clojure comes with functions that helps us to compare stuff. For example you can use the equal to = function to check if two things are equal as shown below:

(= 1 1)



Since 1 is equal to 1, the above code returns true. in the code below, 1 is not equal to 2 and hence = returns false when 1 and 2 are passed as arguments to it:

(= 1 2)



= does not just compare two arguments, you can pass any number of arguments to it, and it returns true` only when all arguments are equal.

(= 7 7 7 )


(= 7 8 7)



The greater than > function is used to check if the first argument passed to it is greater than the second one:

(> 1 2)


(> 2 1)



If you provide it with more than one argument, it will check if the arguments are passed in descending order, if yes it will return true:

(> 3 2 1)



The greater than or equal to >= function returns if the arguments passed to it either greater than or equal to the second one. In the code below, 5 is equal to 5 and hence it will return true:

(>= 5 5)



In example below 6 is greater than 5 and hence it’s true:

(>= 6 5)



The code below returns false because 6 is neither greater than 7 nor it’s equal to 7:

(>= 6 7)



The less than function < returns true if the arguments passed to it are in ascending order. Below 1 is less than 2 so true is returned:

(< 1 2)



In ht example below, 1 is less than 2, which is less than 3 and hence true is returned:

(< 1 2 3)



2 is not less than 1 and hence the code below returns false:

(< 2 1)



The code below returns false because 1, 3 and 2 are not passed to > in ascending order:

(< 1 3 2)



The code below returns true because 7 is equal to 7:

(<= 7 7)



the code below returns true, because 7 is less than 8, if not equal to:

(<= 7 8)



The code below returns false because 8 is neither less than 7 nor its equal to it:

(<= 8 7)



Now let’s come to logical functions, the and function returns true, if all the arguments passed to it are true:

(and true true)



If any of the argument passed to and is false, it returns false.

(and  true false)



The or function returns true if any of the argument passed to it is true:

(or true true)


(or true false)


(or false false)



The not simply inverts true to false and vice versa:

(not true)


(not false)



7. Conditions and branching

In programming depending on the data or information you gained, the program flow should alter its execution. Say every one can visit landing page of a website, but when trying to visit a secured page if the person is not logged in he must be challenged with a login screen. For such kind of cases we need to check for conditions and depending on it, we need to branch.

In this section we will see how to do it.

7.1. if

if is one of the basic condition checking functions in Clojure. Let’s try out a simple example. Execute the code shown below:

;; if.clj

(let [a 5]
  (if (> a 0)
    (println a "is positive")))


5 is positive

We get the result 5 is positive as shown above. So we get the following, to an if the first argument is condition check, over here its (> a 0), if the condition check returns true, then the second argument passed (println a "is positive") is executed.

Now modify the program as shown:

;; if.clj

(let [a -5]
  (if (> a 0)
    (println a "is positive")))



In the above code, a is -5 and hence (> a 0) fails. In theory then the third argument passed to if should execute, we have first argument (> a 0), and second argument (println a "is positive"), there is no third argument, so nil gets returned.

Now let’s give a third argument to it, see the code below and execute it:

;; if_else.clj

(let [a -5]
  (if (> a 0)
    (println a "is positive")
    (println a "is negative")))


-5 is negative

In the above code a is -5 and hence (> a 0) fails. In then the third argument should execute. In this case, the third argument is (println a "is negative") gets executed and -5 is negative gets printed out.

Take a look at the code below, execute it.

;; if_nested.clj

(let [a 5]
  (if (> a 0)
    (println a "is positive")
    (if (< a 0)
      (println a "is negative")
      (println a "is neither positive nor negative"))))


5 is positive

So in the above code (> a 0) is true, so the first argument passed to it (println a "is positive") is executed and above output is printed.

Now let’s change a to -5 and see what happens.

;; if_nested.clj

(let [a -5]
  (if (> a 0)
    (println a "is positive")
    (if (< a 0)
      (println a "is negative")
      (println a "is neither positive nor negative"))))


-5 is negative

So the second argument passed to if is:

(if (< a 0)
      (println a "is negative")
      (println a "is neither positive nor negative"))

This argument itself contains a if, let’s call it nested if, and here the condition passed to it (< a 0) passes, so the second argument passed to the nested if (println a "is negative") gets executed and -5 is negative gets printed out.

Now what if a is zero, once again it comes to the second argument to the top level if, which is

(if (< a 0)
      (println a "is negative")
      (println a "is neither positive nor negative"))

In the code above (< a 0) fails, and the third argument passed to nested if (println a "is neither positive nor negative") gets executed, and we have execution as shown below:

;; if_nested.clj

(let [a 0]
  (if (> a 0)
    (println a "is positive")
    (if (< a 0)
      (println a "is negative")
      (println a "is neither positive nor negative"))))


0 is neither positive nor negative

if function can accept only 3 arguments, the first one is a condition, the second argument will get executed when the condition passes, the third will get executed when condition fails. So what if we want to execute more than one statement if a condition passes or fails, well, wrap them in do as shown:

;; if_multiple_statements_in_branch.clj

(let [a 5]
  (if (> a 0)

      (println a "is positive")
      (println "There are infinite positive numbers"))

      (println a "is negative")
      (println "There are infinite negative numbers"))))


5 is positive
There are infinite positive numbers

Now let’s make a negative and execute it:

;; if_multiple_statements_in_branch.clj

(let [a -5]
  (if (> a 0)

      (println a "is positive")
      (println "There are infinite positive numbers"))

      (println a "is negative")
      (println "There are infinite negative numbers"))))


-5 is negative
There are infinite negative numbers

7.2. when

if accepts a condition as first argument, as second it accepts what should be done if the condition is true, and third is what should be done if the condition is false. if does work when the third argument is left out, but if we want to execute a bunch of statements when a condition is true, then we can use when as shown below:

;; when.clj

(let [print-something true]
  (when print-something
    (println "I print something.")
    (println "I print other things too.")))


I print something.
I print other things too.

Type the above program and execute it. When print-something is true, then the statements:

(println "I print something.")
(println "I print other things too.")

in the form

(when print-something
    (println "I print something.")
    (println "I print other things too."))

get’s executed, and we get the output shown above.

Now let’s set print-something to false as shown below and execute the code:

;; when.clj

(let [print-something false]
  (when print-something
    (println "I print something.")
    (println "I print other things too.")))



Nothing gets printed. So if the first argument passed to when is true, all statements enclosed in its form gets executed, else nothing happens.

7.3. cond

What if you want to check multiple conditions and make your code execute according to it. Welcome to cond or condition. Take a look at the program below and execute it:

;; cond.clj

(let [number 5]
    (> number 0) (println number "is positive.")
    (< number 0) (println number "is negative.")
    :else (println number "is neither positive nor negative.")))


5 is positive.

It prints 5 is positive. That’s because we have set number as 5 in let [number 5]. Then the cond form is coded like this:

    (> number 0) (println number "is positive.")
    (< number 0) (println number "is negative.")
    :else (println number "is neither positive nor negative."))

In the above piece of code, when number is greater than 0, it satisfies the condition (> number 0) and the code next to it (println number "is positive.") gets executed.

Change number to negative and execute it, see what happens and explain it. When no condition is satisfied the else part:

:else (println number "is neither positive nor negative.")

gets executed. Make number as 0 and execute it, see what happens.

Execute the code below and explain it to yourself.

(let [number 5]
    (> number 0) (println number "is positive.")
    (< number 0) (println number "is negative.")))

Make number as 0 execute it and see what happens.

7.4. case

Below is an example of case, type it and execute it.

;; case.clj

(let [num 20]
  (case num
    1 "one"
    2 "two"
    3 "three"
    4 "four"
    5 "five"
    "I don't know"))


"I don't know"

We get "I don’t know", so what happens. We have set num to 20 in `let [num 20], then we pass num to case as shown:

(case num

So case check the value of num, num is not 1, so the statement 1 "one" is not touched.

(case num
    1 "one"

Similarly, num is not 2, 3, 4, 5, so the all the statements below is not touched.

(case num
  1 "one"
  2 "two"
  3 "three"
  4 "four"
  5 "five"

So finally the else part "I don’t know" is executed as shown below:

(case num
    "I don't know")

and it gets returned.

As an exercise, remove the "I don’t know" and run the code. What do you get? Change num to 4 and run the code what do you get? How can you explain it?

When num is 4, and "I don’t know" is removed, does it matter? Why?

When num is 20, and "I don’t know" is removed, does it matter? Why?

8. Loops

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

In programming, when you need to do stuff again and again, you use a thing called loops. In this section we will be seeing about it.

There are no real loops in Clojure This section will get a better explanation once I understand about it. Till then bear with me.

8.1. for

The first loop we are going to see if for, type the code below and execute it:

(let [nums [1 2 3 4]]
  (for [num nums]
       (* num 10)))


(10 20 30 40)

Let’s see how it works. So,

(let [nums [1 2 3 4]])

assigns [1 2 3 4] to nums. Then we invoke the for as shown:

(let [nums [1 2 3 4]]
  (for [num nums]
    ;; loop body

In the above code for [num nums] is the new addition, so the loop body in the above code will be executed 4 times, the first time it gets executed, the first value in nums that is 1 will be loaded into num, the second time it will be 2 and so on.

So in the loop body all we do is to multiply num by 10, so let’s put (* num 10) in the loop body as shown:

(let [nums [1 2 3 4]]
  (for [num nums]
       (* num 10)))

So what for does is this, first time num is 1 and the loop body returns (* num 10) which is 10, so for creates a list with (10). The next time num is 2 and (* num 10) is 20 which get returned and for now has a list (10 20) (imagine like 20 is appended to '(10)), and so on it continues till for has a list (10 20 30 40), finally for returns it.

Now let’s try out a for program with multiple sequences. Type the program below and execute it:

(def colors ["red" "blue" "green" "yellow"])

(def shapes ["square" "circle" "triangle" "rectangle"])

(for [color colors
      shape shapes]
  (str color " " shape))


("red square" "red circle" "red triangle" "red rectangle" "blue square" "blue circle" "blue triangle" "blue rectangle" "green square" "green circle" "green triangle" "green rectangle" "yellow square" "yellow circle" "yellow triangle" "yellow rectangle")

So in this statement:

(def colors ["red" "blue" "green" "yellow"]))

We assign four colors to a variable named colors. Similarly, in this statement:

(def shapes ["square" "circle" "triangle" "rectangle"])

We assign four shapes to shapes. Now let’s use for to combine all colors with all shapes. Now look at this:

(for [color colors]
  ;; loop body

So in the code above we tell the for to execute each time for every item in colors, the first time it executes color will be the first value of colors, that is "red", the last time it executes color will be the last value of colors that is "yellow".

Now we need to mix in shapes, so we just load every shape in shapes into a variable called shape as shown:

(for [color colors
      shape shapes]
  ;; loop body

The way it executes is like this, first "red" gets loaded into color, then "square" gets loaded into shape, the loop body gets executed, here the loop body is simply concatenating color and shape using str, so let’s add (str color " " shape) to our code below as the body of for loop.

(for [color colors
      shape shapes]
  (str color " " shape))

So the first time "red", then a space " " and "square" gets stringed together and for has a collection ("red square"), now the next time, the shape takes the next value in shapes, that is "circle", and we get "red circle" as the output of (str color " " shape), and hence for has the collection ("red square" "red circle"). This goes on till all values in shapes are iterated, and now color takes on the next color that is "blue", and the process continues. Ultimately for will return this list out:

("red square" "red circle" "red triangle" "red rectangle" "blue square" "blue circle" "blue triangle" "blue rectangle" "green square" "green circle" "green triangle" "green rectangle" "yellow square" "yellow circle" "yellow triangle" "yellow rectangle")

8.2. doseq

doseq works just like for, but it returns nothing. Checkout the code below, if you think it will return (10 20 30 40), you are wrong. When you want something to be executed, but then nothing should be returned, then doseq is the thing to be used.

doseq is used for doing repetitive actions with side effects, like printing out stuff, writing into a file, sending emails, writing into databases If you can’t understand what’s in this note, don’t worry. Just forget it. It doesn’t matter much now.
(let [nums [1 2 3 4]]
  (doseq [num nums]
    (* num 10)))



Now check out the code below, though doseq returns nothing, you can make it do something in the loop body, here we just print numbers multiplied by 10:

(let [nums [1 2 3 4]]
  (doseq [num nums]
    (println (* num 10))))



In real world it could be a code to send emails to n-number of people or something like that where there is no need to return anything after the loop has run.

8.3. loop

The final loop we are going to see in Clojure is loop, type the program below and execute:

(loop [x 1]
  (when (<= x 5)
    (println x)
    (recur (inc x))))



It works like this, first you have a function loop:

(loop )

now let’s initialize a variable named x to 1:

(loop [x 1])

We want to print from 1 to 5, then the loop should check the condition if x is less than or equal to 5, so let’s check the condition (⇐ x 5) using a function called when:

(loop [x 1]
  (when (<= x 5)

So the first argument to loop is [x 1], the second one is the condition check:

(when (<= x 5)

So when ever x is less than 5 (⇐ x 5) what ever is put in (when (⇐ x 5) …​) gets executed.

Now let’s have a simple loop body to print x, so we get:

(loop [x 1]
  (when (<= x 5)
    (println x)))

We need to the loop to continue once it has printed x, so for that we call a function recur with updated value of x, let’s pass (recur (inc x)) as second argument to when as shown:

(loop [x 1]
  (when (<= x 5)
    (println x)
    (recur (inc x))))

So now once again loop is hit, but now x is 2 this time, and still (⇐ x 5) passes, now 2 gets printed out, it goes on and on till x is 6 and so (⇐ x 5) fails, and the loop stops recurring and execution stops.

9. Functions

Abstraction is the key to greatness and progress. Michael Faraday discovered electricity and magnetism have a link, but I don’t think about it when I drive my car. Everything is abstracted away behind the steering wheel and pedals. Abstraction is so important, that almost every programming language provides a way to abstract away complexity.

Functions are the way you can abstract away things in Clojure. Whenever a code gets complex, you can refactor it out as functions, and use those functions as building blocks. In fact, you have been using functions all along, say when you call (+ 1 2) in Clojure, the + is a function, and 1 and 2 are the values it receives. Technically we call the values received by the function as arguments. You don’t know what happens in computer when you execute (+ 1 2), it’s been neatly abstracted away behind the function +.

So let’s see how to build our own functions in this chapter.

9.1. Saying Hello With Functions

So this is the code in Clojure is to print Hello World:

(println "Hello world!")

Now I want to make this same functionality available by calling just (say-hello). To do that I first call a function called defn or define function

(defn )

To it, as a first argument I pass the function name say-hello:

(defn say-hello)

Now say-hello is passed to defn, but since say-hello is defined as a function, we can accept arguments for it, but here we need no arguments as we are going to print Hello World!, so lets put empty square braces as no arguments will be accepted by say-hello

(defn say-hello [])

Now all we need to do is to write the function body, in the body we print hello world as shown below:

(defn say-hello []
  (println "Hello world!"))

So when ever we call (say-hello), Hello World! gets printed. Below code shows the final version of say-hello:

;; function_say_hello.clj

(defn say-hello []
  (println "Hello world!"))



Hello world!

9.2. Passing Argument

We can pass arguments to functions, say we have a function \$f(x) = x^2 + 2\$, this function accepts an argument \$x\$, now we plug in 7 to \$x\$, then \$f(7) = 51\$. In the same way, a function in Clojure can take in argument and do something with it.

Look at the say hello example below, type it, and execute it:

;; function_with_arguments.clj

(defn say-hello [name]
  (println "Hello" name "!"))

(say-hello "Karthik")


Hello Karthik !

It prints Hello Karthik !, so how it works? By typing (defn say-hello …​), we define a function named say-hello, after that notice the [name] as shown below:

(defn say-hello [name]
  ;; function body goes here

The name is an argument you need to pass for the function to run. It can be used as variable in the function. Notice how the function is structured, you have the defn, followed by the function name say-hello, then there the square bracket containing the single argument name [name]. Now let’s finish off the function by writing its body as shown:

(defn say-hello [name]
  (println "Hello" name "!"))

In the function body, we are just printing saying hello to the name, we pass name to println like this: (println "Hello" name "!").

Now calling say-hello with argument Karthik: (say-hello "Karthik") prints out Hello Karthik !. Modify the program to say hello to you.

9.2.1. Finding Area Of Circle

We know that area of circle is \$pi r^2\$, given radius of a circle is stored in a variable radius, we can write a Clojure code to find area as shown:

(* Math/PI (Math/pow radius 2))

Now, rather than writing as above, won’t it be good if we can find area of circle by calling a function circle-area? That’s what we do in code below:

;; function_circle_area.clj

(defn circle-area [radius]
  (* Math/PI (Math/pow radius 2)))

(circle-area 7)



In the above code, rather than dealing with Math/PI and finding power, all we need to do is to call (circle-area 7), and we get the area of circle whose radius is 7 units. A good function abstracts complexity away and makes us write programs better.

9.3. Refactoring

Say your friend is coding a billion-dollar startup that lets its customers find circle area using an app. Your friend had a successful pitch and investment round where he claimed that 1000s of people wanted to find circle area every day and his app will be useful for it. He knows you area great programmer, and you coded the circle-area function for him. The app releases and humanity is saved.

You find that rather than finding circle area using (* Math/PI (Math/pow radius 2)), you can find it by (* Math/PI radius radius). The later is much simpler and easier to maintain. So all you need to do is to change the code in one place as shown:

;; function_circle_area_refactored.clj

(defn circle-area [radius]
  (* Math/PI radius radius))

(circle-area 7)

The rest of the code in the app is totally unaware of this change, and works just fine. Instead of abstracting things away as a function, if you put (* Math/PI (Math/pow radius 2)) everywhere, say in 50 places in app, it would be really difficult to change and test.

So functions help in better coding, and even reduces the possibility of bugs.

9.4. Function with multiple arguments

It’s not that functions should have only one argument, say you want to find the hypotenuse of a right angle triangle with of sides of lengths \$a\$ and \$b\$, then it can be written as a function \$f(a, b) = sqrt { a^2 + b^2 }\$. Now let’s code this one in Clojure:

;; hypotenuse.clj

(defn hypotenuse [a b]
  (Math/sqrt (+ (* a a) (* b b))))

(hypotenuse 3 4)



In the code above, we define a function hypotenuse, and it takes in two arguments a and b, so I think it should be clear to reader now, if a function takes no arguments, the function name should be followed by empty square brackets [], or if it does then the argument(s) name(s) should be included in those square brackets like [a, b]. In the function body we just add the statement (Math/sqrt (+ (* a a) (* b b))), which computes the hypotenuse and returns it.

When we call (hypotenuse 3 4), 5.0 gets returned.

Let’s say for some reason we need a function where it can accept one argument, and the same function can also accept two arguments. We can do that too Clojure. Look at the code below:

;; function_multiple_arguments.clj

(defn multiple-args
  ([arg-1] (println "One argument passed:" arg-1))
  ([arg-1 arg-2] (println "Two arguments passed:" arg-1 arg-2)))

(multiple-args 1)
(multiple-args 1 2)


One argument passed: 1
Two arguments passed: 1 2

So we have a function called multiple-args, that’s defined like this

(defn multiple-args
  ;; function body goes here

So in order to accept one argument, we add a form as shown below:

(defn multiple-args
  ([arg-1] (println "One argument passed:" arg-1)))

This form:

([arg-1] (println "One argument passed:" arg-1))

Receives one argument arg-1:

([arg-1] ...)

And in the body of the function we print it using (println "One argument passed:" arg-1) as shown:

([arg-1] (println "One argument passed:" arg-1))

So this will respond to a function call like (multiple-args 1).

Now in order to have two arguments, we add this another form that has two arguments in it:

([arg-1 arg-2] (println "Two argument passed:" arg-1 arg-2))

So now this is our function definition which can accept one argument or two arguments:

(defn multiple-args
  ([arg-1] (println "One argument passed:" arg-1))
  ([arg-1 arg-2] (println "Two argument passed:" arg-1 arg-2)))

([arg-1 arg-2] (println "Two argument passed:" arg-1 arg-2)) will be called when we call (multiple-args 1 2) is executed.

As an exercise try writing code that will let you call (multiple-args), this should print out No argument passed. If you are finding it difficult refer function_multiple_arguments_exercise.clj in the code examples.

9.5. Accepting unlimited arguments

It is possible to accept unlimited number of arguments in a Clojure function. For example + function can accept unlimited number of arguments and can give us the sum:

(+ 1 2 3 5 7 -1)



For our functions to accept unlimited number of arguments, prefix argument with an & followed by a space, take a look at the code below:

;; function_unlimited_arguments.clj

(defn unlimited-arguments [& args]
  (println "Arguments:" args)
  (println "Type of args:" (type args)))

(unlimited-arguments 1)
(unlimited-arguments 1 17 true "Karthik" :coder)


Arguments: (1)
Type of args: clojure.lang.ArraySeq

Arguments: (1 17 true Karthik :coder)
Type of args: clojure.lang.ArraySeq

In the above example we have & args, between square brackets, so the function unlimited-arguments can accept any number of arguments.

Say if we call the function like this:

(unlimited-arguments 1)

Then we get the output as Arguments: (1) which is generated by this statement:

(println "Arguments:" args)

In the above code snippet we are just printing the arguments. In the below code snippet:

(println "Type of args:" (type args))

We are printing the type of args which seems to be clojure.lang.ArraySeq, which I think is some list. In similar fashion when we call:

(unlimited-arguments 1 17 true "Karthik" :coder)

All 1 17 true "Karthik" :coder, seems to be bundled in args as a list, as you can see from the output its printed as Arguments: (1 17 true Karthik :coder).

Let’s say that we want a function where it accepts one or more arguments, we can code it like this:

;; function_unlimited_arguments_2.clj

(defn unlimited-arguments [first-arg & args]
  (println "First argument:" first-arg)
  (println "Other arguments:" args))

(unlimited-arguments 1)
(unlimited-arguments 1 17 true "Karthik" :coder)


First argument: 1
Other arguments: nil

First argument: 1
Other arguments: (17 true Karthik :coder)

Look at [first-arg & args], so the first argument gets captured in first-arg, the rest if they are there gets bundled up in args which is present after & inside the square braces.

In the example below, the function unlimited-arguments has to have minimum of two arguments:

;; function_unlimited_arguments_3.clj

(defn unlimited-arguments [first-arg second-arg & args]
  (println "First argument:" first-arg)
  (println "Second argument:" second-arg)
  (println "Other arguments:" args))

(unlimited-arguments 1 2)
(unlimited-arguments 1 17 true "Karthik" :coder)


First argument: 1
Second argument: 2
Other arguments: nil

First argument: 1
Second argument: 17
Other arguments: (true Karthik :coder)

The first argument is caught by first-arg and the second by second-arg, the rest is bundled up as list in args.

9.6. Returning stuff

If you think about a mathematical function, say \$f(x) = x^2 + 2\$, if you plug in a value say \$x = 7\$, it returns 51. So you expect a function to return something.

In Clojure, the last statement executed by a function returns. Take for example the code below:

;; function_returning_something.clj

(defn add [a b]
  (+ a b))

(println (add 2  3))



In the code above, the result of (+ a b) is returned out of the function add. If you see (+ a b) is the last statement of the function add. This is captured by println and is printed out. You might have noticed a nil in output, That’s because println after printing 5 returns nothing or nil and hence nil gets printed in the REPL.

Another good example will be any math function in Clojure. Take for instance the +

(+ 1 2 3 4 5)

Returns 15, and hence if you try it out on the repl, you will get 15 and not nil, there is no nil here because it returns something. Think of nil as equivalent to nothing or emptiness in Clojure.

Now let’s code something and see what it returns. Code the example below and execute it

;; what_it_returns.clj

(defn do-math [a b]
  (+ a b)
  (* a b))

(do-math 5 3)



In function do-math, you see the first form is (+ a b), when (do-math 5 3) is called, (+ a b) returns 8, but it gets thrown away and lost, the last statement is (* a b), and it returns 15, this is what gets returned from do-math and that’s what appears as output.

Now lets code another function swapping the * and + as shown:

;; what_it_returns_2.clj

(defn do-math [a b]
  (* a b)
  (+ a b))

(do-math 5 3)



In the above code, since (+ a b) is at the last, it gets returned. What is computed by (* a b) is lost.

The moral of the story is the last statement or forms output gets returned from a function.

9.7. Recursion

A function calling itself is known as recursion. For example look at the code below:

;; function_recursion.clj

(defn count-down [number]
  (println number)
  (if (pos? (dec number))
    (count-down (dec number))))

(count-down 5)



When executing the function, it prints from 5 to 1 and stops. We called the function like this: (count-down 5). Let’s analyze the function body:

(println number)
(if (pos? (dec number))
  (count-down (dec number)))

First we have the form (println number) which prints out 5, then it comes to this form:

(if (pos? (dec number))
  (count-down (dec number)))

So in the above code (dec number) is 4 and is positive, and hence (pos? 4) is true, hence the statement (count-down (dec number)) gets executed, and so (count-down 4) is called. That is the function count-down calls itself again.

This goes on till number becomes 0 and (dec number) is -1 and hence (pos? -1) is false thus (count-down (dec number)) is never reached and the program exits.

You can call a function from itself using the function name as in the example above, or you can use recur as shown below:

;; function_recur.clj

(defn count-down [number]
  (println number)
  (if (pos?  (dec number))
    (recur (dec number))))

(count-down 5)



In the example above, we have replaced the function name count-down with recur when the function needs to call itself. It said that when we use recur it more memory efficient and the condition it must satisfy is hat recur should be the last statement executed in the function.

In the example below, we use recursion to compute the total of sequence of numbers passed to a function. Type the code below and execute it, we will see how it works soon.

;; function_sum_using_recursion.clj

(defn sum [numbers total]
  (if (empty? numbers)
    (recur (rest numbers) (+ total (first numbers)))))

(println (sum [1 2 3 4 5], 0))



In the above example we have tried out sum like this (sum [1 2 3 4 5], 0), which returns 15. to simplify it let’s try out something as shown:

(sum [1 2] 0)

So, what happens when the above code is executed? Let’s look at the body of sum:

(if (empty? numbers)
  (recur (rest numbers) (+ total (first numbers))))

(empty? [1 2]) become false, and hance this get’s executed:

(recur (rest numbers) (+ total (first numbers)))

When substituting values, we get the following:

(recur (rest [1 2]) (+ 0 (first [1 2])))

Which can be reduced to this:

(recur [2] (+ 0 1))

and so we get:

(recur [2] 1)

Since recur calls the same function it’s in, we can write it as:

(sum [2] 1)

So now a sum is called with numbers taking tha value [2] and total taking the value 1. Once again (empty [2]) is false and we end up with:

(recur (rest numbers) (+ total (first numbers)))

Which on substitution we get

(recur (rest [2]) (+ 1 (first [2])))

Now reducing it we get:

(recur [] (+ 1 2))

Substituting recur with sum and reducing (+ 1 2 ) to 3 we get:

(sum [] 3)

So now numbers takes the value [] and total take the value 3, now let’s plug it into:

(if (empty? numbers)
  (recur (rest numbers) (+ total (first numbers))))

Here (empty? numbers) is true and hence total must be returned, hence 3 gets returned which is the sum of the vector [1 2].

What if you don’t want to pass the total and want a function that take a sequence and computes its sum. Take a look at the example below:

;; function_collection_sum.clj

(defn sum [numbers total]
  (if (empty? numbers)
    (recur (rest numbers) (+ total (first numbers)))))

(defn collection-sum [collection]
  (sum collection 0))

(println (collection-sum [1 2 3 4 5]))



In the above example we have function collection-sum that takes a collection, it abstracts away by passing the collection and initial total as 0 to the sum function which we coded before. sum uses recursion to calculate the sum.

9.8. Multimethods

Let’s say you pass an argument(s) to a function, based on the passed value, it’s determined which function or method is to be called. This technique is called multimethods.

Take a look at the code below, type it and execute it:

;; multimethod_factorial.clj

(defmulti factorial identity)

(defmethod factorial 0 [_]  1)

(defmethod factorial :default [num]
  (* num (factorial (dec num))))

(factorial 0) ; => 1
(factorial 1) ; => 1
(factorial 3) ; => 6
(factorial 7) ; => 5040

In the line (defmulti factorial identity), we tell Clojure that we are having a multimethod called factorial, the kind of execution path that factorial will take is defined by the identity passed to it. Now in the code below, we say if the identity is 0:

(defmethod factorial 0)

Then take in the argument:

(defmethod factorial 0 [_])

We are not going to use the argument anywhere, so it’s a convention to use underscore _ for that, and we tell it to return 1:

(defmethod factorial 0 [_] 1)

For any other argument, we use the :default keyword:

(defmethod factorial :default)

We take in the argument as num

(defmethod factorial :default [num])

We return \$n um * (n um - 1)!\$ as show below:

(defmethod factorial :default [num]
  (* num (factorial (dec num))))

This does the trick, and we have clean and elegant code to find factorial of any number.

Now consider the code below:

;; without_multimethods.clj

(defn print-welcome-message [person]
    (string? person) (println "Welcome" person)
    (vector? person) (println  "Welcome" (first person) "from" (last person))
    (map? person)    (println "Welcome" (person "name") "from" (person "from"))))

(print-welcome-message "Karthik from Chennai")
(print-welcome-message ["Kalam" "Ramanthapuram"])
(print-welcome-message {"name" "Bharathiyaar" "from" "Yettaiyapuram"})


Welcome Karthik from Chennai
Welcome Kalam from Ramanthapuram
Welcome Bharathiyaar from Yettaiyapuram

The function print-welcome-message accepts person as argument, the person could be a string, a vector or map, depending on it, the program extracts data and prints it as shown in the below form:

    (string? person) (println "Welcome" person)
    (vector? person) (println  "Welcome" (first person) "from" (last person))
    (map? person)    (println "Welcome" (person "name") "from" (person "from")))

The same thing is done using multimenthods in the code below. Type it and execute it and I will explain:

;; with_multimethods.clj

(defn welcome-person [person]
    (string? person) :welcome-person-string
    (vector? person) :welcome-person-vector
    (map? person)    :welcome-person-map))

(defmulti print-welcome-message welcome-person)

(defmethod print-welcome-message :welcome-person-string [person]
  (println "Welcome" person))

(defmethod print-welcome-message :welcome-person-vector [person]
  (println  "Welcome" (first person) "from" (last person)))

(defmethod print-welcome-message :welcome-person-map [person]
  (println "Welcome" (person "name") "from" (person "from")))

(print-welcome-message "Karthik from Chennai")
(print-welcome-message ["Kalam" "Ramanthapuram"])
(print-welcome-message {"name" "Bharathiyaar" "from" "Yettaiyapuram"})


Welcome Karthik from Chennai
Welcome Kalam from Ramanthapuram
Welcome Bharathiyaar from Yettaiyapuram

First you have a multimethod definition:

(defmulti print-welcome-message welcome-person)

The above statement means, the multimethod name is print-welcome-message, and what method / execution path should be called will be decided by the function welcome-person. So here we are having a function that decides what method must be called.

Now let’s see what’s there in welcome-person:

(defn welcome-person [person]
    (string? person) :welcome-person-string
    (vector? person) :welcome-person-vector
    (map? person)    :welcome-person-map))

So welcome-person accepts person as argument, and it tells what code should be executed by returning keyword that points to the execution.

Now let’s look at the definition of methods:

(defmethod print-welcome-message :welcome-person-string [person]
  (println "Welcome" person))

(defmethod print-welcome-message :welcome-person-vector [person]
  (println  "Welcome" (first person) "from" (last person)))

(defmethod print-welcome-message :welcome-person-map [person]
  (println "Welcome" (person "name") "from" (person "from")))

Let’s take fist one

(defmethod print-welcome-message :welcome-person-string [person]
  (println "Welcome" person))

So in welcome-person, if person is of type string then it returns :welcome-person-string, the code for this is written above. First we have defmethod:


Followed by the multimethod name:

(defmethod print-welcome-message)

Then we have the keyword that’s been determined by welcome-person, in this case if person is a string this particular code is called:

(defmethod print-welcome-message :welcome-person-string)

Followed by the passed argument person:

(defmethod print-welcome-message :welcome-person-string [person])

then finally we have the body of the function (println "Welcome" person):

(defmethod print-welcome-message :welcome-person-string [person]
  (println "Welcome" person))

So depending on the data type welcome-person returns different keywords thus triggering execution of different defmethods. We neatly tick away different executions in different methods thus keeping our code simple and manageable.

9.9. Pre and Post Condition Checking

Functions need data to operate on (well almost all of them). If the data is not passed in right format, then the function might cease to work. It’s a good idea to check the data passed to a function. For that Clojure provides a pre hook. Let’s learn how it works using an example. Type the code below.

;; function_pre.clj

(defn sum [a b]
  {:pre [(number? a) (number? b)]}
  (+ a b))

(println (sum 4 5))
;; (println (sum "4" 5)) ;; Thows an error

When you execute (println (sum 4 5)), it works, whereas (println (sum "4" 5)) throws an error. This is because of the following code snippet in sum:

{:pre [(number? a) (number? b)]}

So this is just a map with a key named :pre. This pre can check many things, so we pass many things as a vector to it. The first one being, we check if the first argument a is a number using the condition (number? a), the second one we check if the second argument b is a number using (number? b). The function body is executed only if all the conditions passed inside the vector are true.

For (sum 4 5), a is 4 and b is 5, so the function sum executes. For (sum "4" 5), "4" is a string hence (number? a) becomes false, and it throws an error.

When it’s needed for one to check if returned value has some particular data format / structure, then we could use a post hook as shown below:

;; function_post.clj

(defn sum [a b]
  {:post [(number? %)]}

(defn sum-without-post [a b]

(println (sum-without-post 4 5))
(println (sum 4 5)) ;; ; Assert failed: (number? %)

Type the code above and execute. In the above example, both sum and sum-without-post returns a string "45". If you execute (sum-without-post 4 5), it just runs, but as a human one would expect sum of two numbers to be a number, whereas (sum 4 5) throws an error because it returns a string and the post hook:

{:post [(number? %)]}

Expects the returned output (represented by percent % sign) to be a number.

Now let’s see pre and post hooks in action:

;; function_pre_post.clj

(defn sum [a b]
  {:pre [(number? a) (number? b)]
   :post [(number? %)]}
  (+ a b))

(println (sum 4 5))

What do you think will happen if we call (sum 4 "5") in above code?

9.10. Docstring

Documenting stuff is very important in programming. Clojure provides a way to document functions (which are first class citizens in this language). So look at the code below:

;; docstring.clj

(defn sum
  "Adds two numbers passed as arguments.

   The arguments should be numbers.


   (sum 4 5) ;; returns 9
  [a b]
  {:pre [(number? a) (number? b)]}
  (+ a b))

(println (sum 4 5))

Right after (def sum we have this string:

"Adds two numbers passed as arguments.

  The arguments should be numbers.


  (sum 4 5) ;; returns 9

This string is nothing but documentation for the function. Note how I have used Usage, I have used mark down format. I have also used something like this in the doc string:

(sum 4 5) ;; returns 9
This tells to highlight `(sum 4 5)

returns 9` as Clojure code.

One can access documentation for sum using the doc function as shown:

clj꞉user꞉> (doc sum)
([a b])
  Adds two numbers passed as arguments.

   The arguments should be numbers.


   (sum 4 5) ;; returns 9


Or better in my VSCodium, all I just need to do is to hover over the function and I get a really neat looking documentation as a popup as shown:


9.11. Anonymous Functions

It is possible to define a function without a name, try out the code below:

;; anonymous_function.clj

(def print-something
  (fn [something]
    (println something)))

(print-something "something is better than nothing")


something is better than nothing

Look at this snippet:

(fn [something]
  (println something))

This actually returns a function that accepts a single argument called something, and when something is passed with a value it prints it. Note that the function returned in above snippet of code has no name. It’s like a newly born baby. It’s a function, but we have no way to identify it.

Now this anonymous function can be given a name by attaching it to a variable like this:

(def print-something
  (fn [something]
    (println something)))

In the above snippet of code, the anonymous function that prints something is defined to a name print-something, so from now on we can use it like (print-something "something is better than nothing").

In fact, the defn in Clojure means fn function that’s been def defined or attached to a variable.

In short we can write this:

(def print-something
  (fn [something]
    (println something)))

like this:

(defn print-something [something]
    (println something))

and it would work fine.

9.12. Functions returning functions

One may be wondering what’s the use of anonymous functions, well take a look at the example below and execute it:

;; function_returning_function.clj

(defn multiplier [multiply-with]
  (fn [number]
    (* number multiply-with)))

(def double-it
  (multiplier 2))

(def triple-it
  (multiplier 3))

(double-it 21)

(triple-it 14)

When (double-it 21) is run, it returns 42, now let’s look at the definition of double it:

(def double-it
  (multiplier 2))

Well, in the above code, double-it is assigned to the output of (multiplier 2), since double-it acts like a function, then (multiplier 2) should return a function, so let’s look at the source of multiplier:

(defn multiplier [multiply-with]
  (fn [number]
    (* number multiply-with)))

Now take a look at what multiplier returns:

(fn [number]
  (* number multiply-with))

It returns a function as shown above, now if we replace multiply-with with 2, we get as shown:

(fn [number]
  (* number 2))

So in the above code, we have a function that takes a number and returns its product with 2. Now plug it in double-it:

(def double-it
  (multiplier 2))

we get:

(def double-it
  (fn [number]
    (* number 2)))

In short we can write it as:

(defn double-it [number]
    (* number 2))

So what we have done is, in multiplier, we are building functions and returning it, and we are giving a name to it. Don’t you think it’s a powerful concept?

10. Spec

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

Clojure’s code is nothing but functions manipulating data. Data can be of any type like String, Number, Map, Vector, Set and so on. When data of the right type and format is not given to a function, the function might not work properly. So Clojure has inbuilt libraries that help you to check the data type, these are called spec. May be one could you them in pre-condition checking to see if the received data is of the right type and format, and you can use it in post condition checking to see if the returned data is of the right type and format.

So in order to use spec, let’s require it:

(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])

Now we have required spec as s, so rather than calling functions like spec/something, we can call it as s/something from now on.

Let’s now see how to check if something is a string:

(s/valid? string? "Hello")



So, if you see the above code, we use a function called s/valid? and we pass a function called string?, which gives true or false if the passed argument is string or not. Now as a second argument to s/valid? we give "Hello". s/valid? applies the function string? to the argument "Hello", it returns true and hence s/valid? returns true.

Let’s say we want to see 42 is a string, we specify it as follows:

(s/valid? string? 42)



Since (string? 42) returns false, `(s/valid? string? 42) ` also returns false, thus failing the validation.

Below is the code to check if the passed argument is a number:

(s/valid? number? 42)



For that to s/valid? we pass the function number? as first argument, and 42 as second argument. Since 42 is a number, (number? 42) returns true and (s/valid? number? 42) also returns true.

Similarly, below we check if 123 is an integer:

(s/valid? integer? 123)



We check if 123.45 is double in the code below:

(s/valid? double? 123.45)



Think of double as a number having a decimal point. In the below code 123 does not have a decimal point, so the check that it’s a double fail’s:

(s/valid? double? 123)



We can also check for collections or sequences, we check if [1 2 3] is a vector, which is true:

(s/valid? vector? [1 2 3])



We check if passed argument is a map:

(s/valid? map? { 1 "one" 2 "two"})



Below we check for set:

(s/valid? set? #{:apple :orange})



We check for keyword:

(s/valid? keyword? :ubuntu)



Say we want to check if something is a valid percentage, say in a grading system, a student can have grades from 0% to 100%, and he cannot have something negative, or something greater than 100. For that let’s write a function:

(def valid-%? (s/and number? #(>= % 0) #(<= % 100)))



So a percentage mark should be a number, so we get a code like this:


and it should be greater than zero, so for the and, we use spec’s and function:

  ;; something to check if it's greater than zero

To check if it’s greater than or equal to zero, let’s write an anonymous function:

  #(>= % 0)

Now it should be less than or equal to 100, so for the and, we write a function and add it to the form as shown:

  #(>= % 0)
  #(<= % 100)

Now let’s define the entire stuff to some variable, I would call this variable valid percent, and it will be written like valid-%?, so the final code will look like this:

(def valid-%?
    #(>= % 0)
    #(<= % 100)))

To show that you are professional Clojure programmer, you will put all in one line like this:

(def valid-%? (s/and number? #(>= % 0) #(<= % 100)))

So we have got our valid-%?, now let’s use it.

(s/valid? valid-%? 85)



In the code above, 85 is a number, and it lies between 0 and 100, so it’s a valid percentage and hence we get the output as true. In the example below, 105% makes no sense in grading, and hence it returns false.

(s/valid? valid-%? 105)



Similarly -15 is less than 0, so the below example returns false.

(s/valid? valid-%? -15)




Write a spec named string-or-keyword?, it must work like this:

(s/valid? string-or-keyword? "abc") ;; true
(s/valid? string-or-keyword? :abc) ;; true
(s/valid? string-or-keyword? 42) ;; false

For this exercise, one my take a look at

10.1. Specing collection

So let’s see how to spec collections, in the example below, we define string-collection?

(def string-collection? (s/coll-of string?))



So it’s defined as follows (s/coll-of string?), so the coll-of is a spec function, and it’s been told to check if all in a collection are of the type string?. Now let’s apply string-collection? on vector of strings:

(s/valid? string-collection? ["Hi" "Hello"])



And it passes. Note that we pass string-collection? as an argument to valid?, and as a second argument we pass the array of strings ["Hi" "Hello"].

Now let’s get bit more complicated and check if an array contains numbers and strings, look at the code below:

(def number-or-string? (s/or :number number? :string string?))



So in the above code we define number-or-string?, concentrate on this piece of code:

(s/or :number number? :string string?)

In the above code we use or function in spec, and to it, we pass four arguments, the first two being :number number?, and the second two being :string string?. Don’t get confused by the pair of keyword and function being passed as arguments now, you will understand why so soon. So the or receives number? and string? as arguments, prepended by keywords, so it passes when it either encounters a number or a string.

Let’s put it into action, here I am testing it on a number, and it passes:

(s/valid? number-or-string? 1)



I test it on string and it passes too:

(s/valid? number-or-string? "Hi")



Now if I want to check if a collection only has number or string I write a code as shown:

(def number-or-string-collection? (s/coll-of number-or-string?))



In the above code we pass number-or-string? to coll-of which turns it into a collection checker, it’s been defined to number-or-string-collection?, so from now on number-or-string-collection? will check if collection contains numbers and strings, if it contains anything other than that, it will fail.

So the below collection / vector contains numbers and string and so it passes number-or-string-collection?:

(s/valid? number-or-string-collection? [1 "Hi" "India" 42])



The below vector contains a keyword and so it fails:

(s/valid? number-or-string-collection? [1 "Hi" "India" 42 :keyword])



10.2. Inspecting Collections

Now let’s see how to inspect data in collection, say we have a vector that contains details of a person, say name, age and gender, let’s see how to do it.

So the name will be a string, so we have something like this:

:name string?

The age will be a number, so let’s add it too:

:name string? :age number?

Since I am in India, we have only three genders here, so I safely assume we can represent it with few keywords, so the cod becomes like this:

:name string? :age number? :gender keyword?

Now I pass these six things above to a function called cat [5] in Clojure spec and we gt a code as shown:

(s/cat :name string? :age number? :gender keyword?)

Now let’s give the chunk of code above a name, let’s name it as valid-person-vector?

(def valid-person-vector? (s/cat :name string? :age number? :gender keyword?))



So now if you pass a vector to valid-person-vector? which has a string, number and a keyword it passes:

(s/valid? valid-person-vector? ["Karthik" 40 :male])



Else it would fail.

Now let’s look at checking maps, let’s say the maps should have certain keys, for that we can use the keys [6] function in spec.

(def valid-person-map?
  (s/keys :req-un [::name



I am not sure what’s the full form of :req-un passed to the keys, but after the :req-un, we pass a vector which contains all the keys that a map should have, and so we get (s/keys :req-un [::name ::age ::gender]). I think the double colon in the keywords is to indicate that they belong to this name space. I don’t understand it well, if you don’t, don’t worry much now. So we assign a name to it, and call it ` valid-person-map?`, and hence we finally get this code:

(def valid-person-map?
  (s/keys :req-un [::name

Now let’s use it to check a map:

(s/valid? valid-person-map? {:name "Karthik"
                             :age 40
                             :gender :male})



The map in the code above passes because it contains the keys :name, :age, and :gender.

10.3. Checking Maps

Let say we want to check maps. A map has keys, so we need to check if the required keys exist. The key will be mapped to data, so we need to check if the data conforms to some rules. Let’s say the map needs to have a key named ':name' and it should map to a string value, then we can spec it as shown:

(s/def ::name string?)



Let’s say the map needs to have a key named ':age' and it should map to an integer value, then we can spec it as shown:

(s/def ::age int?)



Let’s say the map needs to have a key named ':gender' and it should map to a keyword value, then we can spec it as shown:

(s/def ::gender keyword?)



So now let’s combine the above three specs and name it into a spec called ::person

(s/def ::person (s/keys :req-un [::name ::age ::gender]))



Note how we use (s/keys :req-un [::name ::age ::gender]), which means, in the code above ::person will check for map that has key called :name which maps to a string value, the map must contain :age which must map to an integer value, and it must contain a key which is a keyword :gender and it must map to another keyword.

Now let’s test it out:

(s/valid? ::person {:name "Karthik"
                    :age 40
                    :gender :male})



And it passed. Now let’s change :age to "40" and test it out:

(s/valid? ::person {:name "Karthik"
                    :age "40"
                    :gender :male})



It fails.

10.4. Explaining Spec

Clojure gives a spec function called explain that tells in somewhat human friendly way why something failed a spec validation.

See the example below:

(s/explain number? "42")


"42" - failed: number?

See the output, see how the explain explains a bit.

For specs that pass, explain give out a Success! as shown:

(s/explain number? 42)


(s/explain number-or-string? "56")



See how explain says :56 is a neither a number nor a string below:

(s/explain number-or-string? :56)


:56 - failed: number? at: [:number]
:56 - failed: string? at: [:string]

Now let’s make number-or-string? pass the spec now:

(s/explain number-or-string? 56)



10.5. Conform

There is also another function called conform which checks if a data conforms to a spec. See the example below what happens when data conforms to a spec:

(s/conform number? 42)



conform throws an invalid if something is not conforming to a spec:

(s/conform number? "42")


(s/conform number-or-string? :56)



10.6. Using Spec In Functions

If one is wondering why these specs, and why so much of functionality is built into the spec library, then this is the answer:

In Clojure we usually don’t use objects to passed to functions, we prefer simple data types like vector, maps, sets etc. So when such thing is done, we need to check the integrity and conformity of data, specs are very useful for that.

Take a look at the examples below:

(defn add-two-numbers [a b]
  {:pre [(s/valid? number? a)
         (s/valid? number? b)]}
  (+ a b))
(add-two-numbers 3 5)


(add-two-numbers 3 "5")


; Execution error (AssertionError) at user/add-two-numbers (REPL:100).
; Assert failed: (s/valid? number? b)

We are checking in :pre hook if the passed arguments to function a and b are numbers or not, if not the function does not execute as you can see from the output:

; Execution error (AssertionError) at user/add-two-numbers (REPL:100).
; Assert failed: (s/valid? number? b)

for (add-two-numbers 3 "5").

Similarly, in the :post hook we can check the integrity of returned data so that the data does not break the code down the line.

11. What is Clojure code

Clojure is a dialect of Lisp. Lisp stands for list processing. That is almost all Clojure code is a list data structure. In lisp, program is a data structure, and data structure could be treated as a program, which gives it enormous power.

Clojure’s code follows one pattern and that is this:

(function-name argument-1 .... argument-n)

See above how everything is enclosed in ( and ) which is a list data structure, and as a list processing language Clojure has the knowledge to process it.

Let’s consider the following example:

(* 5 (+ 1 2 3))

The above list could be represented as following, the * function receives two arguments, the first one is 5 and the second one is (+ 1 2 3). This can be diagrammatically represented as follows:

what is clojure code 1

Now look at the deepest blue dots, that is 1, 2 and 3, they feed into the + function and gets reduced to 6, so we get a new data structure as shown:

what is clojure code 2

This can be written as shown:

(* 5 6) in lisp. That is 5 and 6 gets fed into * function which multiplies it, and we get 30 as output.

what is clojure code 3

Because Clojure is lisp, it has excellent uniformity in code, unlike Object-Oriented languages one may need not remember complex syntax, it’s light on your brain freeing your other neurons to tackle the business problems.

12. Sequence

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

In Clojure, count counts the number of elements in a list.

(count '(1 2 3 4))



It counts the number of elements in a vector.

(count [1 2 3 4])



It also works for set.

(count #{1 2 3 4})



And, for maps too.

(count {:one 1 :two 2 :three 3 :four 4})



Now one has to think if count looks at the type of argument passed to it and for each type calls a different algorithm, or does it work smart by converting the passed argument into a common data type and counting it.

Well, there is a function called seq [7], which converts all the above data types to a list:

(seq '(1 2 3 4))


(1 2 3 4)
(seq [1 2 3 4])


(1 2 3 4)
(seq #{1 2 3 4})


(1 4 3 2)
(seq {:one 1 :two 2 :three 3 :four 4})


([:one 1] [:two 2] [:three 3] [:four 4])

Now all count needs to do is to count elements in a list as shown:

(count '(1 2 3 4))


(count '([:one 1] [:two 2] [:three 3] [:four 4]))



Now think about partition and other functions that that work on collections and try it for yourself:

(seq [1 2 3])


(seq '(1 2 3))


(seq #{1 2 3})


(seq {1 "one" 2 "two" 3 "three"})


(partition 2 {1 "one" 2 "two" 3 "three" 4 "four"})


(partition 2 (seq {1 "one" 2 "two" 3 "three" 4 "four"}))


(partition 2 '(1 2 3 4))


(partition 2 (seq '(1 2 3 4)))


(partition 2 #{1 2 3 4})


(partition 2 (seq #{1 2 3 4}))


(partition 2 [1 2 3 4])


(partition 2 (seq [1 2 3 4]))


Do you think partition implements several algorithms, say one for list, one for vector and so on? Or it has a smarter implementation?

13. Lazy Sequence

Some sequences are evaluated only when they need to be evaluated, these are called lazy sequence. For example, you can very easily create a lazy sequence of infinite numbers, your computer won’t crash.

It’s like this, when I say infinite, your brain doesn’t crash, it just knows the concept of infinity and how it would fit into mathematics, when you need to use it in mathematics say in calculus, you still are able to apply and use it.

13.1. repeat

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

So let’s take a look at repeat function. Take a look at the code below:

(def multiverse (repeat "universe"))

In the above code, we are creating a variable named multiverse which has many "universe" in it, theoretically it is infinite. So treating it as a sequence, let’s take the first element from it:

(first multiverse)



And we get "universe". Now let’s take 5 elements from it:

(take 5 multiverse)


("universe" "universe" "universe" "universe" "universe")

We get 5 universes. Let’s take the rest from it:

(rest multiverse) ;; doesn't seem to work

And it throws an error, how can you get rest of infinite universes any way?

Similarly, last too throws error, how can you get the last element of infinite sequence?:

(last multiverse) ;; doesn't seem to work

Now let’s get the 10,001st multiverse:

(nth multiverse 10000)



Let’s get the 101st multiverse:

(nth multiverse 100)



It’s not that repeat creates infinite sequence, we can create finite sequence by telling Clojure how many times to repeat. The code below only creates 5 "universe":

(repeat 5 "universe")


("universe" "universe" "universe" "universe" "universe")

If we try to access the 7th element, it throws an exception:

(nth (repeat 5 "universe") 6)


; Execution error (IndexOutOfBoundsException) at user/eval2056 (REPL:11).
; null

Whereas, since there are only 5 elements in (repeat 5 "universe"), the code below only retrieves the 4th element, so it works.

(nth (repeat 5 "universe") 3)



Since (repeat 5 "universe") has finite elements rest works on it without raising any exceptions:

(rest (repeat 5 "universe"))


("universe" "universe" "universe" "universe")

similarly last too works on it:

(last (repeat 5 "universe"))



13.2. cycle

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

Let’s say you want to go through a sequence in a cyclical manner, then `cycle`is the function to use. Take a look at the code below:

(def multiverse (cycle ["universe" "antiverse"]))



The above code theoretically creates an infinite list, attaches it to a variable multiverse where every odd element is "universe" and every even element is "antiverse". So the first element would be "universe":

(first multiverse)



the second would be "antiverse":

(second multiverse)



If we take 5 of it, it would alternate between "universe" and "antiverse" as shown:

(take 5 multiverse)


("universe" "antiverse" "universe" "antiverse" "universe")

We can take any nth odd element, and it’s going to be "universe":

(nth multiverse 2000)



Similarly, any nth even element is going to be "antiverse":

(nth multiverse 1783)



Now let’s cycle some South Indian tiffin items:

(def tiffin-items
  (cycle ["idli", "vadai", "dosai", "sambar"]))



Let’s take the 6th element:

(nth tiffin-items 5)



So the last element "sambar" is indexed 3, and hence the 0th element behaves like 5th and the 1st element behaves like 6th, like a never ending loop.

Now let’s take 10 tiffin-items, see ow it repeats again and again:

(take 10 tiffin-items)


("idli" "vadai" "dosai" "sambar" "idli" "vadai" "dosai" "sambar" "idli" "vadai")

13.3. iterate

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

iterate is a very interesting function I found in Clojure, let’s see an example:

(def all-numbers (iterate inc 1))



In the above code we have (iterate inc 1), that is iterate takes inc as first argument and as a second takes a value. This is assigned to all-numbers. Now let’s look what will happen if we take the 25th element:

(nth all-numbers 24)



Doesn’t the output look like we are applying increment inc on 1 24 times?

Now let’s take first 10 elements:

(take 10 all-numbers)


(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

Look’s like the first element 1 is the value we passed to iterate, and looks like 2 is (inc 1), 3 is (inc (inc 1)). This is what iterate documentation says

Now let’s create a function that squares a number:

(defn squared [num]
  (Math/pow num, 2))



Now let’s iterate through squares of 5:

(def squares (iterate squared 5))



Now let’s take the first three squares.

(take 3 squares)


(5 25.0 625.0)

Here is the explanation:

First 5 in (5 25.0 625.0) is the second argument we pass to iterate in (def squares (iterate squared 5)), it’s returned as it is.

The second 25 is nothing but the first iteration (square 5).

The third 625 is the second iteration (square (square 5)).

14. map, filter, reduce, apply

14.1. map

Let’s say you have a function that acts on an argument, say inc, (inc 1) gives 2. Now if I want to make the inc work on a collection or sequence, how do I do it? Simple, pass it to the map, then followed by collection as shown:

(map inc [1 2 3])


(2 3 4)

As you can see in the above case map makes each element in [1 2 3] be acted on by the inc method, collects the output in a list and returns it. So you get (2 3 4) as output.

In the case below I pass an anonymous function (fn [x] (+ x 1)) to map and make it act upon [1 2 3]:

(map (fn [x] (+ x 1)) [1 2 3])


(2 3 4)

It works just fine, it’s just to show that you need not have a predefined function and in Clojure you can build small functions just like that.

Execute the code below, it works same as the previous examples above:

(map #(+ % 1) [1 2 3])


(2 3 4)

There is another way to write anonymous function (fn [x] (+ x 1)), it can be written as #(+ % 1). You can define the function content between #(), the % signifies the argument been passed to the function, and we want to add 1 to it, so it becomes #(+ % 1). Isn’t this better than (fn [x] (+ x 1))?

Let’s say we have a function that takes two arguments as shown:

(fn [x y]
  (+ (Math/pow x 2)
    (Math/pow y 2)))

In the above case the function takes two arguments and returns its sum of squares. Now how to make this function work with sequence? Simple pass it to map as shown:

(map (fn [x y]
       (+ (Math/pow x 2)
          (Math/pow y 2))))

Next pass the sequence for the first argument, in this case it’s x:

(map (fn [x y]
       (+ (Math/pow x 2)
          (Math/pow y 2))) [1 2 3])

Next pass the sequence for the second argument, in this case its y:

(map (fn [x y]
       (+ (Math/pow x 2)
          (Math/pow y 2))) [1 2 3] [2 3 4])


(5.0 13.0 25.0)

So the above code works as follows, map takes the first element from [1 2 3], it’s 1 in this case and the first element from [2 3 4], it’s 2 in this case and passes it to:

(fn [x y]
  (+ (Math/pow x 2)
    (Math/pow y 2)))

So this function sums and squares, and returns 5.0, the map collects it in a list, and it becomes (5.0).

Then map take the second argument from [1 2 3] which is 2, and second in [2 3 4] which is 3 and passes it to the function, and the function returns 13.0, which is appended to the list making it (5.0 13.0), similarly the same is performed on third arguments of the passed sequences and the result 25.0 is appended to list, and it becomes (5.0 13.0 25.0), this final list is returned out.

In the sample below I have a function called sum-of-squares:

(defn sum-of-squares [x y]
  (+ (Math/pow x 2)
     (Math/pow y 2)))

Which is nothing but giving a name to this anonymous function:

(fn [x y]
  (+ (Math/pow x 2)
    (Math/pow y 2)))

we had used previously. We use the name sum-of-squares with map and pass two sequences for x and y and get the same result as shown below:

(map sum-of-squares [1 2 3] [2 3 4])


(5.0 13.0 25.0)

Below I have defined a function called double-it, which doubles the number passed:

(defn double-it [x]
  (* x 2))



Let’s use it in map to double the numbers in a vector:

(map double-it [1 2 3])


(2 4 6)

14.2. filter

filter collects and returns value of a sequence that when passed to a function returns true. For example (odd? 1) returns true, whereas (odd? 2) returns false. Look at the code below:

(filter odd? (range 1 11))


(1 3 5 7 9)

We have filter, as its first argument we pass odd?, and as a second argument we pass numbers from 1 to 10 which is generated by (range 1 11). Which ever number makes odd? true’s caught by the `filter and is returned out.

In the same way, below, even numbers are returned:

(filter even? (range 1 11))


(2 4 6 8 10)

In the code below:

(filter #(> % 5) (range 1 11))


(6 7 8 9 10)

To the filter, we pass an anonymous function #() whose argument #(%) should be greater #(> %) than 5 #(> % 5). And all numbers greater than 5, between 1 and 10 are returned out in the above example.

In the examples below, all numbers from 1 to 10, that are less than 5 is returned out:

(filter #(> 5 %) (range 1 11))


(1 2 3 4)
(filter (fn [x] (> x 5)) (range 1 11))


(6 7 8 9 10)

In the code below I define a function called greater-than-5, which returns true if a number is greater than 5:

(defn greater-than-5 [x]
  (> x 5))

I use it with filter to find numbers that are greater than 5 as shown below:

(filter greater-than-5 (range 1 11))


(6 7 8 9 10)

14.3. reduce

reduce reduces a sequence to a single value, or object depending on the function you pass. Take the example below:

(reduce + [1 2 3 4])



To reduce we pass function + and as a second argument a sequence [1 2 3 4]. You can think reduce rewrites the code as follows:

(+ 4 (+ 3 (+ 1 2)))

This reduces the sequence to a single number 10.

Here is a way to multiply a sequence using reduce:

(reduce * [1 2 3 4])



Let’s define our own function add which accepts two numbers and returns the result:

(defn add [a b]
  (+ a b))



We can use it in reduce, just as we used + before:

(reduce add [1 2 3 4])



We can imagine reduce rewrites the above code as shown:

(add 4 (add 3 (add 1 2)))

Similarly, I wrote my own multiply function:

(defn multiply [a b]
  (* a b))



and used it with reduce:

(reduce multiply [1 2 3 4])



14.4. apply

Let’s take the + function, it can add numbers like this:

(+ 1 2 3 4)



But if you give it a sequence, it would fail:

(+ [1 2 3 4]) ;; error


; Execution error (ClassCastException) at java.lang.Class/cast (
; Cannot cast clojure.lang.PersistentVector to java.lang.Number

Now let’s pass this + and the sequence to apply function:

(apply + [1 2 3 4])



And it works. That’s because you can imagine apply rewrites the code as shown:

(+ 1 2 3 4)

A sequence could be a vector, list or map, so below we are using it on a list of numbers:

(apply + '(1 2 3 4))



Let me write a function that receives two arguments and all it does is to print it:

(defn my-function [arg1 arg2]
  (println "Argument 1:" arg1)
  (println "Argument 2:" arg2))



I can use this function by giving two arguments to it:

(my-function "one" "two")


Argument 1: one
Argument 2: two

If the argument is a vector / sequence containing two elements, this would fail:

(my-function ["one" "two"]) ;; error


; Execution error (ArityException) at user/eval2061 (REPL:17).
; Wrong number of args (1) passed to: user/my-function

All we need to do is to pass the function and sequence to apply for it to work:

(apply my-function ["one" "two"])


Argument 1: one
Argument 2: two

15. Destructuring

Clojure provides rich variety of data types to pack your data like list, vector, maps, set and so on. To make computations with it, you need to unpack it, put the necessary values in variables, and use those variables for computation. This section tells you how to do it.

Take a look at the program vector_destructuring.clj which is shown below, type it and execute it:

;; vector_destructuring.clj

(def people ["Rehmaan" "Kalaam"])

(let [[musician scientist] people]
  (println "Musician is" musician)
  (println "Scientist is" scientist))


Musician is Rehmaan
Scientist is Kalaam

In the line (def people ["Rehmaan" "Kalaam"]) we pack "Rehmaan" and "Kalaam" into vector and assign it a name people. Now here:

(let [[musician scientist] people]
  ;; other code goes here

in let, take a look at [[musician scientist] people]. Variables musician and scientist points to people. Clojure finds out that people contains "Rehmaan" and "Kalaam" and unpacks "Rehmaan" to musician and "Kalaam" to scientist. Finally, we print out musician and scientist using the println function as shown below:

(let [[musician scientist] people]
  (println "Musician is" musician)
  (println "Scientist is" scientist))

Take a look at the code vector_destructuring_2.clj below, type it and execute it.

;; vector_destructuring_2.clj

(def people ["Rehmaan" "Kalaam"])

(let [[musician scientist artist] people]
  (println "Musician is" musician)
  (println "Scientist is" scientist)
  (println "Artist is" artist))


Musician is Rehmaan
Scientist is Kalaam
Artist is nil

In the above code we see variable people is assigned to a vector that contains only 2 values ["Rehmaan" "Kalaam"]. Whereas in the let block we are trying to destructure it into three variables namely musician, scientist, and artist as shown:

(let [[musician scientist artist] people]
  ;; other stuff goes here

In this case the first two variables, musician gets populated with "Rehmaan" and scientist gets populated with "Kalaam", but artist gets nil. So when you print them, we get nil getting printed for artist.

Now look at the code vector_destructuring_3.clj shown below, type it and execute it.

;; vector_destructuring_3.clj

(def people ["Rehmaan" "Kalaam" "Hussein" "Madhavan"])

(let [[musician scientist artist] people]
  (println "Musician is" musician)
  (println "Scientist is" scientist)
  (println "Artist is" artist))


Musician is Rehmaan
Scientist is Kalaam
Artist is Hussein

In the above code we see there are 4 values in people, while you are destructuring it into three variables as shown:

(let [[musician scientist artist] people]
  ;; other code goes here

We see that musician gets populated with "Rehmaan", scientist gets populated with "Kalaam", and artist gets populated with "Hussein", but the last value in people that is "Madhavan" gets left out.

In the code below:

;; vector_destructuring_4.clj

(def people ["Rehmaan" "Kalaam" "Hussein" "Madhavan"])

(let [[musician scientist artist actor] people]
  (println "Musician is" musician)
  (println "Scientist is" scientist)
  (println "Artist is" artist)
  (println "Actor is" actor))


Musician is Rehmaan
Scientist is Kalaam
Artist is Hussein
Actor is Madhavan

All values in people gets unpacked properly into the variables musician, scientist, artist and actor.

It’s a convention to use underscore for values we won’t use, in code below we need only to use scientist and actor, for other unused values we capture it into a variable named .

;; vector_destructuring_5.clj

(def people ["Rehmaan" "Kalaam" "Hussein" "Madhavan"])

(let [[_ scientist _ actor] people]
  (println "Scientist is" scientist)
  (println "Actor is" actor))


Scientist is Kalaam
Actor is Madhavan

This is just to denote to the humans reading code that we are not using it.

Though in the above programs we have destructured vectors, it would work perfectly okay with list too, it’s left to the reader to practice it out.

Clojure also provides a way to destructure maps, look at the code map_destructuring.clj below. type it and execute it.

;; map_destructuring.clj

(def people
  {:musician "Rehmaan"
   :scientist "Kalaam"
   :artist "Hussein"
   :actor "Madhavan"})

(let [{scientist :scientist actor :actor} people]
  (println "Scientist is" scientist)
  (println "Actor is" actor))


Scientist is Kalaam
Actor is Madhavan

So if you look at:

(def people
  {:musician "Rehmaan"
   :scientist "Kalaam"
   :artist "Hussein"
   :actor "Madhavan"})

We have got a map of people with their profession as keyword and name as string. We can destructure this map using keywords as shown:

(let [{scientist :scientist actor :actor} people]
    ;; other stuff here

In the code above look at [{scientist :scientist actor :actor} people] see how {scientist :scientist actor :actor} points at people.

Now take a look at {scientist :scientist actor :actor}, that kind of looks like a map in reverse. You have got variable scientist followed by keyword :scientist, this pulls out (:scientist people) and assigns it to the variable scientist, similarly variable actor get assigned in the same way, and they are used in the code respectively.

It becomes super easy to selectively pick values from a map, put it into variable and use it in Clojure.

16. Threading Macros

If you are from other programming languages, don’t confuse threading with threads, that is executing chunks of code in parallel. In Clojure threading means a way of writing Clojure code that might seem intuitive to you. You will get it as you read this chapter.

16.1. Thread First

Now consider the program below, run it.

(-> 5
    (Math/pow 2))



You will get output as 25, from it, you might have guessed that Clojure would have written your program like this:

(Math/pow 5 2)

And would have executed it.

The is called thread first that is if you write

(-> 5)

Then follow it by a function say Math/pow:

(-> 5
    (Math/pow 2))

the thread first will put 5 as first argument to the function Math/pow, that is, it will become equivalent to:

(Math/pow 5 2)

Now consider the code below, we have 5 being passed as first argument to (Math/pow 2) and then to inc. Execute the program below:

(-> 5
    (Math/pow 2)



It gives 26.0 as output. The above program (shown below):

(-> 5
    (Math/pow 2)

In it’s first step can be written as shown:

(-> (Math/pow 5 2)

Now (Math/pow 5 2) is passed as first argument to inc and the code becomes as shown:

(inc (Math/pow 5 2))

So it gives an output of 26.0

Take a look at the program below, execute it:

(-> 10
    (* 2)
    (+ 5))



It can be written as shown:

(+ (* (inc 10) 2) 5)

Which when executed gives 27.

16.2. Thread Last

If thread first puts the stuff passed to it as first argument to a function, then thread last puts what’s passed to it as a last argument to the subsequent functions. Let’s see an example.

Execute the code below:

(->> 5
    (Math/pow 2))



So 5 is passed to thread last →> so the code above can be written as:

(Math/pow 2 5)

That is 5 will put at the last of (Math/pow 2). So it gets executed to 32.0.

Now take the example below:

(->> 5
     (Math/pow 2)



This can be rewritten as:

(inc (Math/pow 2 5))

Which gets executed to 33.0

16.3. Thread as

Sometimes you might need to pass a threaded value at an arbitrary location in a function, in such cases you can use the thread as as→ macro.

In the code below:

(as-> 5 x
  (Math/pow x 2))



The threaded value is loaded into the variable x, and you can place x anywhere in the function where it might need to b e passed. In the above example we place it like this (Math/pow x 2), so \$x^2\$ is calculated.

In the below example:

(as-> 5 x
  (Math/pow 2 x))



We pass x as last argument to Math/pow so \$2^x\$ is calculated.

16.4. Conditional Threading

Let say you want to thread depending on a condition, then you can use conditional threading, take the example below execute it.

(let [a 11]
  (cond-> []
   (odd? a) (conj (* a 2))
   (even? a) (conj (/ a 2))))



The code above looks like this:

(let [a 11]
  (cond-> []
   (odd? a) (conj (* a 2))
   (even? a) (conj (/ a 2))))

The cond→ is called conditional threading operator, and we have passed an empty array to it:

(let [a 11]
  (cond-> []

After the cond→ [] we have conditions, conditional thread executes when the condition is true, the above code can be rewritten as

(let [a 11]
   (odd? a) (conj [] (* a 2))
   (even? a) (conj [] (/ a 2))))

In the above example a is odd and hance (conj [] (* a 2)) besides (odd? a) gets executed, and we get [22] as output.

The example below has subtle difference, in the above example we used conditional thread first cond→, here we use conditional thread last cond→>.

Type the code and execute it:

(let [a 10]
  (cond->> 1
   (odd? a) (* a 2)
   (even? a) (/ a 2)))



The code above can be rewritten as:

(let [a 10]
   (odd? a) (* a 2 1)
   (even? a) (/ a 2 1)))

Since a is even the code next to (even? a), that is (/ a 2 1) gets executed, mathematically this is \$10 / {2 / 1}\$, so we get 5 as output.

17. Regular Expression

We know what a string is, it’s set of characters that’s enclosed between " and " (double quotes). Shown below is a string:

"A string"


"A string"

When we look at its type, it does tell us that it’s a string:

(type "A string")



Now what will happen if we enclose a set of characters between #" and "? Below I have enclosed regexp between #" and ":




Whe I query about its type I get to know that it’s a java.util.regex.Pattern, that is its not a string, it’s a pattern.

(type #"regexp")



Regular expressions are a thing which can be used to find if some kind of patterns occur in a string. For example email address has a pattern. Say if my email is, then mindaslab is my username followed by an @ symbol, com is a top level domain, and protonmail is a subdomain of com. The subdomain and top level domains are separated by a dot. When you see a lot of email addresses, you may think <username>@<subdomain>.<top level domain> is a regular expression of an email.

Similarly, if you see a lot of postal addresses, then you might know that house number and street name appears at the top, the pin code or zip code is at the bottom.

These regular expressions will help you know if you are looking at an email address or a postal address if when presented to you.

Your brain has millions of years of evolution and lots of experience to get these things in a jiffy, for computers, its we programmers must say how to scan for patterns in a string and identify what it is.

Now let’s write a regular expression to identify just one digit. It’s #"\d", the #" means start of the regular expression, and " means end of the regular expression. In between the \d means we are looking for just one digit. Here the \ is an escape sequence which makes #"\d" search for a digit rather than letter d.

There is a function called re-matches which we can use to see if a string matches a regular expression. Let’s see "There is no number here. matches #"\d":

(re-matches #"\d" "There is no number here.")



It doesn’t as there is no number in the string.

Now let’s see if "\d" matches "4":

(re-matches #"\d" "4")



And it does, as "4" contains just one digit and that’s what #"\d" searches for.

Now let’s see if "\d" matches "42":

(re-matches #"\d" "42")



And it doesn’t, because "42" contains more than one digit.

In order to say one or more in regular expression we use the ` symbol, so `"\d" means search for one or more digits. Look at the example below:

(re-matches #"\d+" "42")



It matches, because "42" contains one or more than one digit.

It may be surprising that "\d+" does not match "42 is the ultimate answer." as shown below:

(re-matches #"\d+" "42 is the ultimate answer.")



That’s because re-matches looks if a string exactly matches a regular expression. "42 is the ultimate answer." contains 42 followed by space and other words which is not a tight fit for "\d+", hence it throws out a nil.

In order to find a pattern in a string, we can use re-find as shown:

(re-find #"\d+" "42 is the ultimate answer.")



This does output "42", and hence we can convince ourselves it can fish out a pattern from a string.

Now let’s search for 2-digit numbers as shown below:

(re-find #"\d+" "42 is the ultimate answer, and so is 52.")



If you thought it would find both "42" and "52", you would be disappointed, as you can see only "42" above. re-find returns only the first match:

(re-find #"\d+" "Forty two is the ultimate answer, and so is 52.")



As you can see from the above example, re-find returns only the first match "52".

In order to get all matches, use re-seq:

(re-seq #"\d+" "42 is the ultimate answer, and so is 52.")


("42" "52")

This returns a sequence with all strings that match the regular expression, in our case its "\d+".

17.1. Case sensitive and insensitive matches

Now let’s say we have regular expression #"abc", this would help us to match and find letters abc in a string, but not ABC, because ABC are capital letters, there is a trick in regexp to make it case-insensitive. You can tell Clojure to make the regexp case-insensitive by adding (?i) to regexp as shown:

(re-seq #"(?i)abc" "abc are small letters and ABC are capitals.")


("abc" "ABC")

So #"(?i)abc" matches "abc", "ABC", "AbC" and so on.

Below you can see how #"abc" does not match "ABC":

(re-seq #"abc" "abc are small letters and ABC are capitals.")



In the example below you can see how #"(?i)ABC" matches "abc", "ABC" because it’s case-insensitive:

(re-seq #"(?i)ABC" "abc are small letters and ABC are capitals.")


("abc" "ABC")

Another case-insensitive regular expression is #"(?i)abC" in action:

(re-seq #"(?i)abC" "abc are small letters and ABC are capitals.")


("abc" "ABC")

17.2. Scanning for range of characters

Now let’s check for ranges, let’s say you want to scan for capital letters, that is you want one or more of them, for that you must use +:

and capital letters rage from A to Z, so in regexp you can write it as shown `#"[A-Z]+"`. That means scan for one or more capital letters that range from A to Z. Let's try out an example program:
(re-seq #"[A-Z]+" "Finds all CAPITAL letter WORDS.")



It seems to work.

17.3. Using with string functions

Some string functions in Clojure accept regular expressions too, let’s see them in action.

First we require Clojure string library as str`:

(require '[clojure.string :as str])

In the code below, we have lot’s of spaces in "There are lots of spaces", we create a regular expression #"\s+" which means more than one space, we tell replace function to replace on or more spaces with a single space:

(str/replace "There    are     lots of   spaces" #"\s+" " ")


"There are lots of spaces"

It works.

In the code below we use a split function:

(str/split "There   are     lots of   spaces" #"\s")


["There" "" "" "are" "" "" "" "" "lots" "of" "" "" "spaces"]

We tell the split to split "There are lots of spaces" with a single space #"\s" so we get what we get above, I think this is not the intended result. What we should have done is to tell it to split with one or more spaces as shown below:

(str/split "There   are     lots of   spaces" #"\s+")


["There" "are" "lots" "of" "spaces"]

We get a nice split where the words are split.

17.4. Things to remember

There are some things you need to remember, or at least refer from time to time when you want to use regular expressions. Those are mentioned in table below [8].


What it means


Any single character


Any word character (letter, number, underscore)


Any non-word character


Any digit


Any non-digit


Any whitespace character


Any non-whitespace character


Any word boundary character


Start of line


End of line


Start of string


End of string


A single character of

a, b or c


Any single character except

a, b, or c


Any single character in the range a-z


Any single character in the range a-z or A-Z


Capture everything enclosed


a or b


Zero or one of a


Zero or more of a


One or more of a


Exactly 3 of a


3 or more of a


Between 3 and 6 of a




make dot match newlines


ignore whitespace in regex


perform #{…​} substitutions only once

Don’t panic if you don’t understand it, you will catch up.

17.5. Lot’s more left out

Regular expression is a huge topic and this book gives just an introduction, it tells you there is something called regular expression, and that’t it. I will try to add more content in upcoming releases. To learn more, one can refer Mastering Regular Expressions, and Regular Expression Pocket Reference

18. Splitting Large Programs

A very small one line Clojure script could be written in a Clojure REPL, a larger one could be written in a file, but what happens when you have too large script in a file, and it becomes difficult to manage? Well you can split it into multiple files. This section explains how to load scripts in another file into your Clojure code.

So let’s say you have program as shown below:

;; calculator.clj

(defn add [a b]
  (+ a b))

(defn sub [a b]
  (- a b))

(def a 5)
(def b 3)

(println a " + " b " = " (add a b))
(println a " - " b " = " (sub a b))


5  +  3  =  8
5  -  3  =  2

It works okay, but if you see one file does two things. First there is a definition of calculation functions add and sub:

(defn add [a b]
  (+ a b))

(defn sub [a b]
  (- a b))

Then you are using it to compute something:

(def a 5)
(def b 3)

(println a " + " b " = " (add a b))
(println a " - " b " = " (sub a b))

Won’t it be better if we can split it into two different programs? So we cut up the function definitions and put it into a file called calc_lib.clj:

;; calc_lib.clj

(defn add [a b]
  (+ a b))

(defn sub [a b]
  (- a b))

The in another file called calc_ui.clj we type in code as shown below:

;; calc_ui.clj

(load-file "calc_lib.clj")

(def a 5)
(def b 3)

(println a " + " b " = " (add a b))
(println a " - " b " = " (sub a b))

Look at the line (load-file "calc_lib.clj"), here we load the calc_lib.clj file in calc_ui.clj. Now we can find the result of adding and subtracting 5 and 3.

Since we have separated calculation functions and put it as a separate file, you can include it in another where say you want to find the addition and difference of between say 8 and 5. This increases reusability.

19. Records and Protocols

If you want to learn records and protocols watching video’s, here is one

Clojure came during an era when Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) was at a peak, then, due to large code bases OOP started to fail and people started looking into functional programming. So I find it not surprising that Clojure gives some ways to create objects and do stuff with them.

In Clojure Object is nothing but a glorified map, and nothing more. You may not use it, but you can.

19.1. Creating objects

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

Objects are called Records in Clojure, so let’s create our first record called Car which would hold the name and top-speed of the car as shown:

(defrecord Car [name top-speed])



As you see from the output this creates something called user.Car. user is the default namespace, and I think .Car represents the record. If Car was just a variable, we would have got an output like user/Car.

Now let’s define a variable called tata-nano:

(def tata-nano)

Of the type Car:

(def tata-nano (->Car))

While we created record Car, the first thing we specified was name and then top-speed, so in that same order, let’s give a name for tata-nano

(def tata-nano (->Car "Tata Nano"))

And specify it’s top speed as 120:

(def tata-nano (->Car "Tata Nano" 120))

Let’s now execute the code above:

(def tata-nano (->Car "Tata Nano" 120))



So a variable tata-nano is created in user namespace, this is not a simple value, but an object containing two values.

Object is a glorified map in Clojure, so you can access :name of tata-nano just like you do with a map as shown:

(:name tata-nano)


"Tata Nano"
(get tata-nano :name)


"Tata Nano"

Similarly, you can access it’s top speed:

(:top-speed tata-nano)


(get tata-nano :top-speed)



Similarly, let me create another record instance of Car called ambassador, but there is difference in code below:

(def ambassador (map->Car {:name "Ambassador",
                           :top-speed 240 }))



While creating tata-nano, we gave values it must hold in a positional way, but look at map→Car, instead of →Car in the code above, here we are saying we want to pass a map, so we pass this map:

{ :name "Ambassador",
  :top-speed 240 }

And Clojure is smart enough to unpack it, and put the right values in right variables of ambassador. You can also vary the position like shown:

{ :top-speed 240
  :name "Ambassador" }

It still works the same.

Let’s now get the :name and :top-speed of ambassador:

(:name ambassador)


(get ambassador :name)


(:top-speed ambassador)


(get ambassador :top-speed)



19.2. Using Records with functions

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

Records can be passed to functions that knows how to handle it. Below we create a record called Car.

(defrecord Car [name top-speed])



We create a variable named tata-nano which is an instance of Car:

(def tata-nano (->Car "Tata Nano" 120))



We now code a function that can work with the record, let’s name it as describe:

(defn describe [vehicle]
  (let [{name :name top-speed :top-speed} vehicle]
    (str name " has a top speed of " top-speed "Km/hr.")))



If you see describe, it accepts an argument named vehicle, let’s look at the body of the function:

(let [{name :name top-speed :top-speed} vehicle]
    (str name " has a top speed of " top-speed "Km/hr."))

If you see we are destructing car in let [{name :name top-speed :top-speed} vehicle], in this code snippet, :name of the passed Car record is assigned to variable name and :top-speed is assigned to variable top-speed. All we have to do now is to return out a beautifully formatted string that describes the car, which is done using this (str name " has a top speed of " top-speed "Km/hr.") piece of code, which embeds name and top-speed into a description string.

Now let’s use the describe on instance of Car:

(describe tata-nano)


"Tata Nano has a top speed of 120Km/hr."

now let’s create a new record called Ship

(defrecord Ship [name top-speed])



Let’s create a new ship instance called arctic-explorer:

(def arctic-explorer (->Ship "Arctic Explorer" 10))



Let’s write a function called describe-ship, that describes a ship:

(defn describe-ship [vehicle]
  (let [{name :name top-speed :top-speed} vehicle]
    (str name " has a top speed of " top-speed " knots.")))



Let’s use describe-ship on arctic-explorer

(describe-ship arctic-explorer)


"Arctic Explorer has a top speed of 10 knots."

It works!

19.3. Protocols

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

In last section we saw a way to describe about a Car using describe, and describe a ship using describe-ship function. Won’t it be great for a programmer if he could just use one describe function to describe about a Ship and a Car? We will see how to do this with protocols here.

So let’s create a protocol called Describe as shown:

(defprotocol Describe
  (describe [this]))



Now look at the code below:

(defrecord Car [name top-speed]
  (describe [this]
    (let [{name :name top-speed :top-speed} this]
      (str name " has a top speed of " top-speed "Km/hr."))))



In it we create a record called car:

(defrecord Car [name top-speed])

Next we specify the Describe protocol in it:

(defrecord Car [name top-speed]

Then we write the definition of describe function for the Car:

(defrecord Car [name top-speed]
  (describe [this]
    (let [{name :name top-speed :top-speed} this]
      (str name " has a top speed of " top-speed "Km/hr."))))

Note how there is no defn above. It just has the function name describe, followed by argument this, and in the body of describe we destructure this and return a string description.

The this in examples in this section is not a special keyword that needs to be used in Clojure, it is just name given to a variable, that’s it.

Similar for Ship, we write a describe function as shown:

(defrecord Ship [name top-speed]
  (describe [this]
    (let [{name :name top-speed :top-speed} this]
      (str name " has a top speed of " top-speed " knots."))))



Now let’s create a instance of Car called tata-nano:

(def tata-nano (->Car "Tata Nano" 120))



Let’s create instance of Ship called arctic-explorer:

(def arctic-explorer (->Ship "Arctic Explorer" 10))



When we pass tata-nano to the describe, it knows its of type Car and the describe defined in Car is called:

(describe tata-nano)


"Tata Nano has a top speed of 120Km/hr."

Similarly it knows arctic-explorer is a ship, and Ship’s own `describe is called in the code below:

(describe arctic-explorer)


"Arctic Explorer has a top speed of 10 knots."

19.3.1. Extend Protocol

For this section you can use this code, copy and paste lines in it one by one in your REPL that either runs in your terminal or the ones that is integrated with your IDE.

So we have a protocol Describe

(defprotocol Describe
  (describe [this]))



We use it to write a function called describe for record Car`

(defrecord Car [name top-speed]
  (describe [this]
    (let [{name :name top-speed :top-speed} this]
      (str name " has a top speed of " top-speed "Km/hr."))))



And it works:

(def tata-nano (->Car "Tata Nano" 120))


(describe tata-nano)


"Tata Nano has a top speed of 120Km/hr.

Let’s say we have code written by some one else and it’s about Rocket, and we don’t want to mess up the code with our describe, but we want to extend the protocol Describe for it.

(defrecord Rocket [name orbit])



Well, for that Clojure provides a function called extend-protocol that can used to extend the protocol Describe as shown below:

(extend-protocol Describe
   (describe [this] (str (:name this) " reaches " (:orbit this) " orbit.")))



In the code above we say we want to extend protocol


We say that we want to extend Describe and we pass it as first argument:

(extend-protocol Describe)

As a second argument we say we want to extend describe for record Rocket

(extend-protocol Describe

and finally we define the describe function

(extend-protocol Describe
   (describe [this] (str (:name this) " reaches " (:orbit this) " orbit.")))

Now let’s create a Rocket called pslv

(def pslv (->Rocket "PSLV" "Low Earth"))



Let’s pass it to describe:

(describe pslv)


"PSLV reaches Low Earth orbit."

It works!

20. namespaces

A same word could mean different things, for example if you say book in a hotel it means one thing, the same book in a library means another, and in a police complaint a book means something else. Same word different meaning. A page in a book is different, from a page in Operating System, which is different from Page the last name of a person.

In order to separate these differences in coding, Clojure provides a thing called namespace. Look at the program name_space.clj below, type it and execute it.

;; name_space.clj

(ns lawyer)

(def about-me "I never speak truth.")

(ns politician)

(def about-me "I loot the nation.")

(ns engineer)

(def about-me "I apply science.")

(println lawyer/about-me)
(println politician/about-me)
(println about-me)

(ns politician)

(println about-me)

Execute it using the clj as shown:

$ clj name_space.clj


I never speak truth.
I loot the nation.
I apply science.
I loot the nation.

Now let’s see how the above program works. Look at this code:

(ns lawyer)

(def about-me "I never speak truth.")

(ns politician)

(def about-me "I loot the nation.")

(ns engineer)

(def about-me "I apply science.")

First we create a namespace called lawyer

(ns lawyer)

In it we define a variable called about-me having some value:

(ns lawyer)

(def about-me "I never speak truth.")

Next we define a name space called politician with a variable called about-me:

(ns lawyer)

(def about-me "I never speak truth.")

(ns politician)

(def about-me "I loot the nation.")

One must not think the about-me in lawyer namespaces is overwritten by the (def about-me "I loot the nation."), since these are different name spaces, the lawyer still does not speak the truth.

Now we create another name space called engineer and we define another about-me under that name space:

(ns lawyer)

(def about-me "I never speak truth.")

(ns politician)

(def about-me "I loot the nation.")

(ns engineer)

(def about-me "I apply science.")

Now let’s see how to access these three different `about-me’s in different namespaces.

We are in engineer namespace now, so in order to access about-me in lawyer we need to use lawyer/about-me as shown below in the last line of the code snippet:

(ns engineer)

(def about-me "I apply science.")

(println lawyer/about-me)

This would print out I never speak truth.. Similarly look at the last line in code snippet below:

(ns engineer)

(def about-me "I apply science.")

(println lawyer/about-me)
(println politician/about-me)

We are printing politician/about-me, this would print out value of about-me in politician name space, and hence we will get I loot the nation. as output on the terminal.

Since we are in engineer namespace, there is no need for using engineer/about, though using that way will make the code more clear. Look at the last line below snippet:

(ns engineer)

(def about-me "I apply science.")

(println lawyer/about-me)
(println politician/about-me)
(println about-me)

This about-me since it’s been called in engineer namespace, prints out I apply science..

Let’s now switch namespace, to politicians using the following line:

(ns politician)

Now since we have switched to politician name space, when we print out about-me

(println about-me)

It prints out I loot the nation. once again.

21. Testing

Testing is a very integral part of coding. Let’s say you write a piece of code, its been used millions of times somewhere else, let’s say your colleague modifies it and it fails in cases. Being a human how can he identify it fails in some cases? Well, when you write code, you also write some code that tests your code, so that when some one modifies your code, they can run corresponding test files and check if all is right.

Since code tests code, test is automating stuff, and since computers can test your code, and they are really fast, so it will save you time.

Having a robust test suite means you can refactor your code with confidence and run it against the test so that you know it works fine.

So let’s take a piece of code shown below:

;; calc_lib.clj

(defn add [a b]
  (+ a b))

(defn sub [a b]
  (- a b))

This code is present in a file called calc_lib.clj, it contains two functions which adds and subtracts two numbers. So let’s now write a tests for it.

First Let me create a Clojure file called calc_lib_test.clj, note the file we are going to test is calc_lib.clj, the corresponding test file called calc_lib_test.clj, all we do is to append _test to the name of the file to indicate its a test. So we now have:

;; calc_lib_test.clj

Now from the Clojure test library [9], let’s require three methods, namely deftest which is a function thats used to define a test, testing which is a function that is used to add a subspace in deftest and is that is kind of used to throw out a message when an assertion fails. So we have a file like this:

;; calc_lib_test.clj

(require '[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]])

Now let’s load the calc_lib.clj, that’s the file whose code we would like to get it tested:

;; calc_lib_test.clj

(require '[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]])

(load-file "calc_lib.clj")

now let’s define a test function called calc_lib_test:

;; calc_lib_test.clj

(require '[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]])

(load-file "calc_lib.clj")

; nest within `deftest` in source file
(deftest calc_lib_test)

As you see above it defined using (deftest calc_lib_test). Now let’s put an string that we are testing "calc_lib", using the code (testing "calc_lib"):

;; calc_lib_test.clj

(require '[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]])

(load-file "calc_lib.clj")

; nest within `deftest` in source file
(deftest calc_lib_test
  (testing "calc_lib"))

Inside the calc_lib.clj, let’s first test add function, so let’s put a string that we are testing add using (testing "add"):

;; calc_lib_test.clj

(require '[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]])

(load-file "calc_lib.clj")

; nest within `deftest` in source file
(deftest calc_lib_test
  (testing "calc_lib"
    (testing "add")))

Now we want to see if (add 2 2) equals 4, so we get the code:

(= 4 (add 2 2))

Now let’s pass it to the is function, so the code now becomes:

(is (= 4 (add 2 2)))

Now lets pass it as a second argument to the testing function which has first argument as string "add", so the code now becomes like shown:

;; calc_lib_test.clj

(require '[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]])

(load-file "calc_lib.clj")

; nest within `deftest` in source file
(deftest calc_lib_test
  (testing "calc_lib"
    (testing "add"
      (is (= 4 (add 2 2))))))

Now let’s call calc_lib_test to run the test:

;; calc_lib_test.clj

(require '[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]])

(load-file "calc_lib.clj")

; nest within `deftest` in source file
(deftest calc_lib_test
  (testing "calc_lib"
    (testing "add"
      (is (= 4 (add 2 2))))))


Now let’s run the file using clj as shown

$ clj calc_lib_test.clj

Nothing happens as the test passes.

Now change 4 to 5 in the code below:

;; calc_lib_test.clj

(require '[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]])

(load-file "calc_lib.clj")

; nest within `deftest` in source file
(deftest calc_lib_test
  (testing "calc_lib"
    (testing "add"
      (is (= 5 (add 2 2))))))


Let’s run the file

$ clj calc_lib_test.clj
WARNING: Implicit use of clojure.main with options is deprecated, use -M

FAIL in (calc_lib_test) (calc_lib_test.clj:11)
calc_lib add
expected: (= 5 (add 2 2))
  actual: (not (= 5 4))

As you can see from above, since the assertion fails, the code says in cal_lib and in add, inside it, an assertion is failing, it says what is expected and what we actually get.

So as you can see, the more detailed description you can pass to testing, the easier it will be for you to know what’s happening. The line number where the code fails is printed out too.

;; calc_lib_test.clj

(require '[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]])

(load-file "calc_lib.clj")

; nest within `deftest` in source file
(deftest calc_lib_test
  (testing "calc_lib"
    (testing "add"
      (is (= 5 (add 2 2)) "adding 2 and two should give right output"))))


Now we have added a second argument to is function where we describe what test is going on, now let’s run the file:

$ clj calc_lib_test.clj
WARNING: Implicit use of clojure.main with options is deprecated, use -M

FAIL in (calc_lib_test) (calc_lib_test.clj:11)
calc_lib add
adding 2 and two should give right output
expected: (= 5 (add 2 2))
  actual: (not (= 5 4))

So if the test fails, the second argument passed to is is printed too, thus aiding us with more clues.

Now let’s get back to the passing code:

;; calc_lib_test.clj

(require '[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]])

(load-file "calc_lib.clj")

; nest within `deftest` in source file
(deftest calc_lib_test
  (testing "calc_lib"
    (testing "add"
      (is (= 4 (add 2 2))))))


Now let’s add our second assertion where we check if 3 and 4 when added gives 7:

;; calc_lib_test.clj

(require '[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]])

(load-file "calc_lib.clj")

; nest within `deftest` in source file
(deftest calc_lib_test
  (testing "calc_lib"
    (testing "add"
      (is (= 4 (add 2 2)))
      (is (= 7 (add 3 4))))))


Now in the code below I am also testing the sub function by adding another testing block:

;; calc_lib_test.clj

(require '[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]])

(load-file "calc_lib.clj")

; nest within `deftest` in source file
(deftest calc_lib_test
  (testing "calc_lib"
    (testing "add"
      (is (= 4 (add 2 2)))
      (is (= 7 (add 3 4))))
    (testing "sub"
      (is (= 0 (sub -2 -2)))
      (is (= 7 (sub 3 -4))))))


22. Macros

Lets say you want to add 2 and 3 and you will write it like this:

(+ 2 3)

Where ` is a function and `2` and `3` are arguments. But let's say that I am more comfortable writing it as `(2 + 3)` rather than `( 2 3), how I can do that in Clojure?

When you consider any Clojure code like (+ 2 3) it’s basically a list, you can verify it in REPL as shown

user=> (type '(+ 2 3))

The single quote here '(+ 2 3) tells to Clojure that not to execute the list. The basic thing is, any program in Clojure is a list. So even (2 + 3) is a list. Now all we need to do is convert (2 + 3) to (+ 2 3) and let it execute.

So let’s imagine we capture (2 + 3) in a variable called a-list. We take the first element:

(first a-list) ; This gets the 2

Then after the first we get the last element:

(first a-list) ; This gets the 2
(last a-list)  ; This gets the 3

We need to grab the plus sign and put it in front, and we see the plus is in the middle of a-list which is (2 + 3), that is the + is the second element:

(second a-list)
(first a-list) ; This gets the 2
(last a-list)  ; This gets the 3

Now we pack it into a list:

(list ; convert (2 + 3) to (+ 2  3)
  (second a-list)
  (first a-list)
  (last a-list))

And we say the above thing is a macro named calculate which take a single argument called a-list as input:

(defmacro calculate [a-list]
  (list ; convert (2 + 3) to (+ 2  3)
    (second a-list)
    (first a-list)
    (last a-list)))

Now one can try this code:

;; macro.clj

(defmacro calculate [a-list]
  (list ; convert (2 + 3) to (+ 2  3)
    (second a-list)
    (first a-list)
    (last a-list)))

  (calculate (2 + 3)))

This will give 5 as output.

You can also use macroexpand keyword to expand a macro, see the code below:

    '(calculate (2 + 3))))

Will print out:

(+ 2 3)

That’s what macro calculate is supposed to do after you give (2 + 3) as input.

The entire macro.clj code is listed below:

;; macro.clj

(defmacro calculate [a-list]
  (list ; convert (2 + 3) to (+ 2  3)
    (second a-list)
    (first a-list)
    (last a-list)))

  (calculate (2 + 3)))

    '(calculate (2 + 3))))

Run it and you should get output like this:

(+ 2 3)

23. Projects With Leiningen

Leiningen is tool with which you can create Clojure projects. It helps you maintain dependencies, and helps you to use external libraries, and finally it also helps you to bundle your project into a jar file.

There is also this deps.edn way of creating projects, will write about it when I know it better.

In this section let’s create a small leiningen project which will wish us Hello.

23.1. Creating a Leiningen Project

code for this section can be found in

So fire up your terminal, let’s name this project wish-me, so we will create a wish-me app as shown:

$ lein new app wish-me

Now you will see a folder named wish me, if you go into it, you will see such a structure:

├── doc
│   └──
├── pom.xml
├── project.clj
├── resources
├── src
│   └── wish_me
│       └── core.clj
├── target
└── test
    └── wish_me
        └── core_test.clj
A great person who knows everything about Clojure would explain what all these files means. But I don’t claim greatness, I’m just a Clojure learner.

Concentrate on file src/wish_me/core.clj, you will see code as shown:

(ns wish-me.core

(defn -main
  "I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
  [& args]
  (println "Hello, World!"))

Do noting, in terminal goto into wish-me folder and type:

$ lein run

You will see this output:

Hello, World!

If you have guessed it right, it came from (println "Hello, World!") in src/wish_me/core.clj. In case you are wondering how lein run knew that -main function was in src/wish_me/core.clj, look at the project.clj file:

(defproject wish-me "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "FIXME: write description"
  :url ""
  :license {:name "EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0"
            :url ""}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.11.1"]]
  :main ^:skip-aot wish-me.core
  :target-path "target/%s"
  :profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all
                       :jvm-opts [""]}})

You see :main ^:skip-aot wish-me.core, this tells lein run from where to start executing.

23.2. Printing args

code for this section can be found in

Now let’s pass some command line arguments to lein run. Modify the program as shown:

(ns wish-me.core

(defn -main
  "I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
  [& args]
  (println args))

To get the code above, you need to remove (println "Hello, World!") from src/wish_me/core.clj, and replace it with (println args). The variable args will contain the command line arguments passed. Now running:

$ lein run Karthik

Will print out a list containing "Karthik" as an element in it as shown:


23.3. Saying Hello

code for this section can be found in

Rather than printing the arguments passed, let’s wish a person if his or her name is passed. Replace (println args) with (println (str "Hello " (first args) "!")), and you will get code as shown:

(ns wish-me.core

(defn -main
  "I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
  [& args]
  (println (str "Hello " (first args) "!")))

Now run:

$ lein run Karthik

You should get this output:

Hello Karthik!

23.4. Decorating Output

You just don’t have a file so large it’s the entire project. You divide your program into many files. Now create a file src/wish-me/decorator.clj, and put this code in:

(ns wish-me.decorator)

(defn print-stars []
  (println "************************************"))

Now let’s include it in core.clj

(ns wish-me.core
  (:require [wish-me.decorator :as d]))

(defn -main
  "I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
  [& args]
  (println (str "Hello " (first args) "!"))

In the above program in line (:require [wish-me.decorator :as d]) we are including decorator as d, and we call (d/print-stars) before and after (println (str "Hello " (first args) "!")).

Now let’s run:

$ lein run Karthik


Hello Karthik!

You see a nice wish, and top and bottom of it are a decorative star line. This is how you include other files in your program in a leiningen project.

23.5. Including Eternal Libraries

You don’t code in isolation these days. Leiningen itself is a library which you have downloaded from the internet, and with it you have created a project wish-me. If you see project.clj file you will see something like:

:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.11.1"]]

Now add another line [hiccup "2.0.0-RC2"] to it, and it becomes as shown below:

:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.11.1"]
               [hiccup "2.0.0-RC2"]]

Your project.clj should look like this:

(defproject wish-me "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "FIXME: write description"
  :url ""
  :license {:name "EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0"
            :url ""}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.11.1"]
                 [hiccup "2.0.0-RC2"]]
  :main ^:skip-aot wish-me.core
  :target-path "target/%s"
  :profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all
                       :jvm-opts [""]}}

hiccup, is a library with which you can create HTML. Now we are going to modify our command line in such a way that if you call lein run Someone --html, rather than printing Hello Someone!, it will create a file called hello.html with the HTML content that wishes you hello.

Modify the code in core.clj, so it looks as shown:

(ns wish-me.core
  (:require [wish-me.decorator :as d]
            [hiccup2.core :as h]))

(defn print-to-console [name]
  (println (str "Hello " name "!"))

(defn print-to-html [name]
  (spit "hello.html"
        (h/html [:html
                  [:h1 "Hello " name "!"]]])))

(defn -main
  "I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
  [& args]
  (if (= "--html" (second args))
    (print-to-html (first args))
    (print-to-console (first args))))

Now run:

$ lein run Karthik --html

You should be seeing a file named hello.html, open it in browser, and you will see a page like this:

htllo html

What we have done is, we have included a Clojure library called hiccup, used it to generate a webpage. Thanks to leiningen, things are so easy.

23.6. Jar

You can pack your application into one standalone jar file. Just type this:

$ lein uberjar

You will see two jar files generated in target/default+uberjar folder:

Compiling wish-me.core
Compiling wish-me.decorator
Created /Users/karthik/code/wish-me/target/default+uberjar/wish-me-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Created /Users/karthik/code/wish-me/target/default+uberjar/wish-me-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar

I’m not sure what wish-me-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar is, but you can run wish-me-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar as follows:

$ java -jar target/default+uberjar/wish-me-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar Karthik

Which will wish you hello:

Hello Karthik!

Or passing --html flag will generate a HTML file wishing you hello:

$ java -jar target/default+uberjar/wish-me-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar Karthik --html

23.7. REPL

code for this section can be found in

REPL driven development might have accelerated the way you develop Clojure code. In previous sections you might have used lein repl to start a repl with which you can execute Clojure code, but since its a leiningen project now, things are bit easier.

Hit Command+P or Ctrl+P, you should see a text prompt, type > jack in into it:


You will see two options, one to Start a Project REPL, another is to Copy the jack in command, select the Start a Project REPL. next Calva will present you with many options, select Leiningen in it:


Now Calva says something like :uberjar as shown below, I don’t have idea what it is, I just hit Enter


and it jacks in as shown:


Now let’s create a file named src/wish_me/repl.clj and put in this code:

(ns wish-me.repl)

(defn testing-repl []
  "Hello repl!")

to test the REPL. Now keep the cursor on testing-repl, on GNU/Linux hit Ctrl+Enter or Command+Enter on Mac. You will see the function loaded in the REPL.


Now in repl call (testing-repl) and you will see "Hello repl!" as output.:


To stop the repl, press Command+P or Ctrl+P, and type in > jack out in the text prompt. Select the Jack out option and the REPL will stop as shown:


23.8. Testing

Now let’s test our code. We will test the function testing-repl in repl.clj. This is the code in src/wish_me/repl.clj:

(ns wish-me.repl)

(defn testing-repl []
  "Hello repl!")

Now create a file test/wish_me/repl_test.clj and put this code in:

(ns wish-me.repl-test
  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [wish-me.repl :refer :all]))

(deftest testing-repl-test
  (is (= "Hello repl!" (testing-repl))))

Let’s see what this code does:

(ns wish-me.repl-test)

The above code means we are entering a namespace called wish-me.repl-test.

(ns wish-me.repl-test
  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]))

The newly added (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]) means we are requiring all functions in clojure.test, note that :refer :all means we are requiring all functions. To know what functions are there in clojure.test, you can visit this URL

We are testing wish-me.repl here, so let’s refer all the functions in wish-me.repl too as shown:

(ns wish-me.repl-test
  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [wish-me.repl :refer :all]))

Now lets add a test to test testing-repl in repl-test.clj:

(ns wish-me.repl-test
  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [wish-me.repl :refer :all]))

(deftest testing-repl-test)

In the code above we have defined a test named testing-repl-test using this (deftest testing-repl-test ) code. deftest is a function which is defined in clojure.test, this function is used to define tests.

Now look at the code below:

(ns wish-me.repl-test
  (:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
            [wish-me.repl :refer :all]))

(deftest testing-repl-test
  (is (= "Hello repl!" (testing-repl))))

We have added (is (= "Hello repl!" (testing-repl))) inside the test testing-repl-test. Here we use the is function which is defined in clojure.test. is is used to check if something is truthful or not, you can know more about it here

To the is we check if testing-repl returns "Hello repl!" or not using this piece of code: (= "Hello repl!" (testing-repl)). If it returns "Hello repl!" then the test will pass, otherwise it will fail.

Now let’s test it. Type the command in terminal:

$ lein test :only wish-me.repl-test

lein test means we are testing the code in leiningen project. We want to test only wish-me.repl-test so we pass :only wish-me.repl-test to it. The test runs and it says 1 test and 1 assertion ran and there are no failures and errors as shown in the output below:

lein test wish-me.repl-test

Ran 1 tests containing 1 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.

If you want to run all tests in your project, just type lein test as shown:

$ lein test

In our case it throws out that a test has failed as shown below, you can check the file core_test.clj, maybe you can try to fix it.

lein test wish-me.core-test

lein test :only wish-me.core-test/a-test

FAIL in (a-test) (core_test.clj:7)
FIXME, I fail.
expected: (= 0 1)
  actual: (not (= 0 1))

lein test wish-me.repl-test

Ran 2 tests containing 2 assertions.
1 failures, 0 errors.
Subprocess failed (exit code: 1)

Say you want to test a particular test in a file, say we want to test only testing-repl-test, you can do it as shown:

$ lein test :only wish-me.repl-test/testing-repl-test

As shown below, we have 1 test, run, and 1 assertion has passed:

lein test wish-me.repl-test

Ran 1 tests containing 1 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.


8. I got this list from